美国可能于今年内削减驻伊军队人数 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/18 16:25 国际在线 |
The US Army expects to reduce its troop levels in Iraq gradually starting this summer, but no significant reduction is likely until sometime between 2006 and 2008, a senior Army general said Thursday. General Richard Cody, the Army's vice chief of staff, told Pentagon reporters that when the military starts its next round ofrotation in the summer, the number of US force in Iraq will becomesmaller. Cody declined to give a specific number on the expected troop level later this year. The number of American troops in Iraq is expected to go down to 138,000, the pre-election level, from the current 150,000 before the end of this month. |
美国可能于今年内削减驻伊军队人数 |
美国陆军副参谋长理查德-科迪17日在接受常驻五角大楼的媒体采访时说,陆军预计最早在今年开始削减驻伊拉克军队,使驻伊美军人数降到13.8万人以内。 科迪说,他认为驻伊美军今年6月开始实施下一次轮换计划时,派往伊拉克的人数将少于离开人数。先期进入伊拉克进行轮换的3个旅不会发生变化,但后续部队的规模和结构将根据伊形势需要进行调整。 科迪说,由于伊大选取得成功,美军在打击反美武装方面取得进展,以及伊安全部队人数快速增加,驻伊美军的结构将发生一些变化,如战斗巡逻部队和有关装备将减少。 目前美国在伊拉克约有15万名驻军,大部分来自陆军,其中一些人是为加强伊拉克1月大选前的安全而被延长任期。 |