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初中英语课外辅导:Unit 3 疑难解析(I)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/01 08:41  英语辅导报

  1. It's so big that when you sail on it, you can't see the land. 它那么大,以至于当你在其中航行时,都看不见陆地。


  He ran so fast that nobody else could catch up with him. 他跑得太快了,以至于没有其他人能赶得上他。

  The museum was so interesting that the boys didn't want to leave it.这个博物馆太有趣了,以至于孩子们不愿离开。

  so that与so...that不同,so that多用于引导目的状语从句,意思是“为了、以便”。例如:

  She bought a dictionary so that she could look up the words in it.她买了一本字典,以便能够在其中查找单词。

  The farmers look after their corn and wheat carefully so that they can have a good harvest next autumn.农民们小心地照看他们的玉米和小麦,以便明年秋天能有个好收成。

  so that还可以引导结果状语从句,意思是“所以,因此”。例如:

  I was caught in the rain, so that all my clothes got wet. 我赶上了雨,因此我的衣服全都湿了。

  2. When I lived in Michigan, I swam as far as 2 kilometres at one time.当我住在密歇根的时候,我曾经游过两千米远。

  as far as表示“远至,直到所提到之处为止”。否定句可以用so far as代替。 例如:

  We did not go so(as)far as the bridge. 我们没有走到桥那么远。

  as far as还可以表示“就……而言”。例如:

  As far as I know, it is impossible for my sister to accept your present.据我所知,我妹妹不可能接受你的礼物。

  at one time是过去时的时间状语,意思是“曾经、以前”。例如:

  At one time, there were not so many cars on the street. 以前马路上没有那么多的车。

  3. What two words is this word made up of? 这个单词是由哪两个单词组成的?

  be made up of是“由……组成;由……构成”的意思。例如:

  The football team is made up of eleven players. 这个足球队由11名球员组成。

  The sentence is at least made up of twenty words. 这个句子至少由20个单词组成。

  与be made搭配所构成的介词词组还有:

  be made of 由……制成(看得出原材料);

  be made from 由……制成(看不出原材料);

  be made by由(某人)制造;

  be made in 在(某地)制造;

  be made into 被加工成(成品);

  be made for 为……制造。

  例如:Desks and chairs are made of wood. Paper is made from wood, too.


  The delicious mooncake was made by my mother. 这个可口的月饼是我妈妈做的。

  Pottery is usually made in China. 瓷器通常是在中国制造的。

  The stones can be made into a bridge. 石头能够被制成桥。

  This kind of toy is made for children under five years old.


  4. Then when the earth started to warm up, the glacier melted and formed the Great Lakes. 当地球开始变暖时,冰河融化并形成五大湖泊。

  warm up是个动词短语,我们常见warm作形容词,表示“暖和的”,在这里warm up表示“(使……)变暖”。例如:

  It's cold outside. Come in and warm yourself up. 外边很冷。进来暖和一下吧。


  Group activities help to form a man's character. (v.)集体活动对于一个人性格的形成有帮助。

  It's important for you to form a good habit at the beginning.(v.)对你来说,一开始就形成良好的习惯是很重要的。

  Different countries have different forms of government. (n.) 不同国家有不同形式的政府。


  If you want to take part in the game, you should fill in the form first. 如果你想参加比赛,应该先填表格。

  5. The factories would put their waste into the Lakes. 工厂把它们的废物扔进湖里。


  He would visit some places of interest whenever he had a holiday. 每当他放假的时候,就参观一些名胜。

  would表示“(过去)经常”,在用法上与used to有不同之处。

  (1)表示过去持续的情况或状态用used to,would不与状态动词搭配。例如:

  There used to be a hospital near the factory. 在工厂附近曾有一家医院。

  (2)与现在或将来比较而表示“以前经常”,用used to。例如:

  He won't spend so much money on books as he used to.他不再像以前一样在书籍上花那么多的钱了。

  6. Pretty soon the Lakes' ecosystem was not right any more. 很快,湖的生态系统不再好了。


  After he arrived in Shanghai, I received his letter pretty soon. 在他到上海之后,我很快收到了他的来信。


  7. Many areas would become deserts and many animals would lose their homes and maybe die out.很多的地区将成为沙漠,很多的动物将失去家园并可能灭绝。

  die out的意思是“灭绝,绝迹,完全消失”。例如:

  Dinosaurs died out for some reasons we don't know.因为一些我们未知的原因,恐龙灭绝了。



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