美女植物人食管被拔除13天后死亡 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/01 19:30 国际在线 |
Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged woman in Florida who has been under spotlight in one of the fiercest life-and-death battles in the United States, died on Thursday, television reports said. Schiavo, 41, died at the Pinellas Park hospice where she had been kept for alive by a feeding tube for years. The tube was removed 13 days ago following the ruling of the presiding judge over the case. Schiavo has been in a persistent vegetative state since a sudden heart attack in 1990 which cut oxygen to her brain. Her parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, have engaged in a seven-year court battle with her husband and legal guardian Michael Schiavo over her fate. Michael Schiavo has urged the removal of his wife's feeding tube, saying she would rather die in her condition. But the Schindlers insisted that their daughter be kept alive. A US appeals court on Wednesday rejected the latest appeals by the Schindlers requesting a new hearing on whether to reconnect the feeding tube for their daughter, one of a string of legal setbacks the parents suffered during the last two weeks in both state and federal courts. |
美女植物人食管被拔除13天后死亡 |
新华社华盛顿3月31日电 在美国长期备受广泛关注的佛罗里达州植物人妇女特里-夏沃,在其进食管被拔除13天之后于31日停止呼吸而死亡。她的生死权问题在美国多次引发了激烈的法律争论。 现年41岁的特里-夏沃于1990年突发心脏病,并因脑部缺氧造成永久性损害而成为植物人。过去15年来,她一直依靠进食管提供营养。7年前,夏沃的丈夫迈克尔-夏沃向佛罗里达州法院提出诉讼,要求停止给其妻子进食,理由是她不愿意这样毫无意义地“活”下去。但特里-夏沃的父母坚决反对,称她不时显示出有意识的迹象,她的身体仍然有恢复的希望。从此,双方开始了一场旷日持久的官司。 在这场官司中,根据法院的裁决,特里-夏沃的进食管曾先后2次被拔除,后又根据州议会紧急通过的法令而2次重新插上。本月18日,根据佛罗里达州主持这起诉讼的法官的最新裁决,特里-夏沃的进食管再次被拔除。 由共和党控制的国会对这场官司进行了干预,并破天荒地紧急通过一项特别法案,随后由布什总统在21日签署后成为法律,授权联邦法院对此案进行审理。但最近几项民意调查显示,多数美国人认为,国会和布什的做法侵犯了地方权限,有违宪法。 特里-夏沃的父母随后多次向联邦地方法院、巡回上诉法院和最高法院提出紧急申诉,请求法院同意将他们女儿的进食管重新插上,但这些法院都拒绝推翻佛罗里达州法院此前作出的判决。(记者:潘云召 谭新木) |