好莱坞名导卡顿琼斯入住布莱尔豪宅 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/04 16:29 国际在线 |
Alongside death and divorce, moving home is recognised as one of the most intensely stressful experiences of an adult's life. So pity, then, Michael Caton-Jones and Laura Viederman, who are doing so in front of the assembled press corps. The couple are renting the imposing townhouse, which the Blairs purchased last October at a cost of ?3.65 million, while filming in Britain. They are understood to be paying substantially less than the ?15,000 a month in rent which the Prime Minister wanted, and possibly as little as ?8,000. Intended as their home once they eventually leave Downing Street, the Blairs hoped to rent out the five-bedroom 19th century property immediately to help with mortgage payments. It has taken them six months to find tenants. They are understood to have spent tens of thousands of pounds refurbishing their five-storey property after initial interest failed to deliver a tenant. |
好莱坞名导卡顿琼斯入住布莱尔豪宅 |
好莱坞著名导演迈克尔-卡顿琼斯与女友劳拉-比德曼,日前搬进了英国首相布莱尔价值365万英镑的新购豪宅中。卡顿琼斯不但可以入住首相的这座房,还因较低的租金占了布莱尔很大的便宜。 据英国《每日电讯》4月1日报道,现年46岁的苏格兰籍导演卡顿琼斯与女友比德曼于3月31日搬进了位于伦敦市中心康诺特广场的布莱尔的一处豪宅。卡顿琼斯曾执导了包括《赤胆豪情》、《狙击职业杀手》在内的多部好莱坞影片,最近正在筹拍《本能》续集。其女友比德曼是一位好莱坞制片人兼演员,她与卡顿琼斯曾是多年的合作伙伴。 去年10月,布莱尔夫妇耗资365万英镑购买了这座拥有5间卧室的19世纪的住宅楼。布莱尔原计划离开唐宁街10号首相官邸后搬进这座房。目前,他打算先将房屋出租,用租金来支付购房贷款。 报道说,布莱尔夫妇曾花费数千英镑对这座新买的房进行装修,并花费了半年时间才找到承租者。但与原先设想的1.5万英镑的月租相比,布莱尔夫妇每月只能收到8000英镑。 1997年,布莱尔夫妇搬进首相府邸后,把原来的房子卖掉了,赚了一大笔钱。2004年,他们才买下了这座住宅。当时,房产专家们普遍认为这处房产又会给布莱尔带来巨大收益,但由于购房时赶上伦敦房地产市场炒得最热的时候,布莱尔花高价购买的豪宅如今只能落到低价出租的地步。 (文/蒋黎黎) |