美国规模最大的反恐演习拉开序幕 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/05 11:07 国际在线 |
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US security officials began a five-day anti-terrorism exercise in the eastern states of Connecticut and New Jersey on Monday, to train first responders with fake biological and chemical terror attacks. The drill, named "TOPOFF 3," started with police probing a fakecar accident on a college campus and health officials getting prepared to deal with a mock biological attack in New Jersey, and included a fake chemical weapons attack in Connecticut on Monday afternoon. According to the plan of the exercise, terrorists who have plotted to attack New York and Boston and suspected their plans have been compromised launch a premature attack by dispersing a biological agent from a car in New Jersey and a chemical attack inthe town of New London, Connecticut. Although no real weapons were to be used, the participants would respond as if the exercise was a real attack with real weapons and real consequences, a Homeland Security Department statement said. More than 10,000 people were expected to participate in the 16 million US dollar event. Canada and Britain would conduct related exercises simultaneously in their own countries, and 13 countries would have observers to the drill. The drills were monitored by Homeland Security officials from acommand center in Washington and regional centers in New Jersey and Connecticut. "TOPOFF 3" is the third exercise involving simulated terrorist chemical, nuclear or biological attacks. The first was held in May2000 and the second in May 2003. |
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美国规模最大的反恐演习拉开序幕 |
新华网华盛顿4月4日电 在美国新泽西州,警察根据电话线索对一起模拟交通事故进行调查后发现车主身份可疑;医院的医生则密切关注一位因感冒症状而住院的“病人”。这个场景标志着为期5天的美国历史上规模最大的反恐演习4日开始拉开序幕。 这次由国土安全部组织的演习主要目的是检测与评估美国有关部门应对生化武器袭击的能力。演习在美国东部的新泽西州和东北部的康涅狄格州同时举行,来自美国、加拿大和英国的1万多人参加,按照处理真实的生化袭击事件进行操作应对。国土安全部最高层官员在华盛顿的指挥中心进行监控。 按照计划,从5日开始将有大批“病人”出现类似感冒的症状前往医院检查,而且人数持续增加。组织者说,演习的目的就是要让警察、消防和医院等应急部门面临的压力达到极限,从而发现应急系统存在的不足和漏洞。 这次耗资1600万美元的反恐演习代号为“高级官员3号”,规模超过2003年在西雅图举行的“高级官员2号”反恐演习。那次反恐演习共有8500多人参加。第一次类似的反恐演习“高级官员1号”于2000年在丹佛举行。(记者:谭新木 潘云召) |