澳洲遭受臭虫袭击 背包客们是主因 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/07 17:20 国际在线 |
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The saying "don't let the bed bugs bite" has taken on new significance for Australia's burgeoning backpacker industry, which is facing an epidemic of the bloodsucking insects. The bugs, which can survive for months without feeding and are renowned as hitchhikers, travelling the world hidden in luggage, shoes and clothing, could cost the country's tourism industry tens of millions of pounds after they were found to have infested eight out of 10 backpacker hostels in Sydney's eastern suburbs alone. Many bedsits, particularly at Bondi Beach and Kings Cross, rely almost exclusively on British and Irish customers. Despite bringing in pest controllers to eradicate the bugs, more than half the hostels have reported a fresh outbreak during the recent summer months. So widespread is the problem that the Whitsunday shire council and the north Queensland charter boat industry are developing a strategy to combat the pests at popular resorts. Stephen Doggett, an entomologist at the institute of clinical pathology and medical research at Westmead hospital in Sydney, estimates that the number of bed-bug infestations treated in Sydney has increased by 800 % in the past four years. Mr Doggett says international travellers have been unwittingly carrying them into Australia for the past two decades and they are now proving impervious to pest control measures. While hostel beds remain the most common place for infestations, residential homes are now also under attack. Mr Doggett said he recently found 5,000 bugs in one woman's bed. |
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澳洲遭受臭虫袭击 背包客们是主因 |
有谚语说:“不要被臭虫咬了。”如今,澳大利亚新兴的背包旅游业就被臭虫咬了。由于悉尼大量的旅店被臭虫袭击,导致澳大利亚的背包旅游业也受到严重的影响。那些来自世界各地的背包客们因此望而却步,但殊不知他们正是真正的始作俑者。 据英国《卫报》4月6日报道,臭虫生活在人居室及床榻的各种缝隙中,它们白天藏匿,夜晚出来活动吸人或动物的血。臭虫成虫耐饥饿力很强,一般可耐饥6个月至7个月,甚至可长达1年。它们多隐藏在周游世界的旅行者的背包、鞋和衣物里。 悉尼东郊80%的旅店曾发现存在大量臭虫,特别是著名的邦迪海滩、列王十字区等地区更是遭受了臭虫的袭击。这些旅店的客人几乎都来自英国和爱尔兰。为此,悉尼政府耗费了数千万英镑来杀灭臭虫。然而,令人苦恼的是,今年夏天,这些地方又有一半的旅馆再次出现了臭虫。 悉尼韦斯特米德医院临床病理学和药物研究所的昆虫学家斯蒂芬·多格特估计,在过去的4年里,悉尼的臭虫数量增加了800%。多格特还表示,近20年间,那些跨国旅游的人们无意间将臭虫带进了澳大利亚。 尽管旅店是臭虫的聚集区,但人们的居家也难逃臭虫的困扰。多格特称,他最近在一位妇女的床上就发现了约5000只臭虫。(文/蒋黎黎) |