如果动物没有毛 世界将会怎样(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/07 15:56 国际在线 |
Without fur or hair, most mammals would be pretty uncomfortable. That's because a furry covering shields mammals' bodies from the weather, keeping them warm and dry—sort of like your clothes do for you. Of the 5,000 kinds of wild mammals, only a few are nearly hairless. These creatures developed other ways to thrive comfortably. A few animals, such as the sphynx cat below and the Mexican hairless dog at left, are practically hairless because people bred them that way. They're bred as pets. A sphynx generally feels like suede to the touch. Some sphynxes have very fine, hard-to-see body hair. They feel like warm, fresh peaches! Many animals thrive in their near-nakedness. Elephants, rhinos, and hippos don't have fur. They all live in hot places, where the trick is to keep cool. Being practically hairless is one way these animals deal with the heat. They use mud, dust, and water to protect their skin from sunburn. Whales spend all of their time underwater. Their body fat keeps them warm, so they don't need fur coats. Naked mole rats live entirely underground, where the temperature stays warm year-round. No need for hair there! Hair has a special importance for some animals. If it's long and colorful, or short and cropped in different shapes, it can attract lots of attention from the opposite sex. Think about that the next time you see a male lion's mane at the zoo or a teenager with a spiked Mohawk hairstyle at the mall! Some people call humans "naked apes." That's not entirely accurate, though. An adult human's body is covered with about five million hairs—the same number that an adult gorilla has. However, human hair is generally shorter and thinner than gorilla hair. You may have to look closely to see the hairs on most of your body. |
如果动物没有毛 世界将会怎样(图) |
如果身上没有毛,很多哺乳动物或许都会感到十分不自在。哺乳动物的皮毛使它们的身体保持温暖和干燥,并帮它们阻挡来自天气等外界环境的伤害,这就和人们穿衣服的道理有几分相像。 据美国《国家地理》杂志网站日前报道,在5000多种野生哺乳动物中,其中只有很少一部分是身上几乎没有毛,将身体直接裸露在外的。为了让种群发展壮大,这些无毛动物形成了与众不同的生活方式。 一些无毛动物,如加拿大无毛猫和墨西哥无毛犬等,由于人们将其作为宠物饲养,并让它们一直按照这种样子繁殖下去,所以它们身上几乎连一点毛都没有。 一般来说,抚摸加拿大无毛猫带给人的感觉就像在摸一块光滑柔软的小山羊皮。而有些加拿大无毛猫则长着了一层非常纤细,用眼睛难以察觉的体毛,这种无毛猫摸起来则更像个暖和而又新鲜的水蜜桃。 除了作为人们的无毛宠物之外,更多的动物则是在一种身体近似裸露的状态下,使自己的种群繁荣壮大的。比如人们熟知的大象、犀牛以及河马,它们的身上也都几乎没有毛。上述的3种动物都生活在天气炎热的地区,赤裸着身体对它们来说是一种必要的生活手段,是它们对抗酷热天气的方法,这使这些动物能更好地保持凉爽。另外,它们还会用泥浆、灰尘和水来保护它们的皮肤免受太阳灼烧。 鲸鱼这种生活在海里的大型哺乳动物,身体也是光滑而没有毛的。鲸鱼的体脂肪能起到保暖的作用,所以它们当然不需要“毛外衣”啦。 一种生活在地下的无毛鼹鼠(Naked mole rats),因为地下温度整年都能保持温暖,所以它们也不需要毛。 毛对于一些动物来说具有着非常特殊的作用。毛的长短、颜色以及样式都和能否吸引到异性的注意有关系。当你下次在动物园看到一只雄性的狮子长长的鬃毛,或是在商业街看到一个留着莫霍克族麦穗头型的十几岁少年时,你就会明白了。 尽管这个说法并不完全正确,但是有些人还是把人类称之为“没毛的猿类”(naked apes)。有资料显示,一个成年人的身体表面大概覆盖着约500万根毛发——而这个数量和一只成年大猩猩体表的毛数相同。与之不同的是,较之大猩猩,人的毛发更短而且也更稀。(记者:王高山) |