中山大学美眉的幸福读研生活(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/08 18:08 长喜欢乐英语 |
When There’s a Dream in Your Heart (作者:中山大学 李景娜) Only there is a dream in your heart can you succeed; only there is dream in your heart can you work hard and strive for it, become diligent, confident and active for it, and then you will realize your dream and have a wonderful future! At the second semester of my junior year, many students began to hit the books to prepare for the postgraduate exam, and so did I. After many days and nights of hard work, I was recruited by the School of Foreign Languages at Sun Yat-sen University and became a postgraduate in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. I felt very excited about the new things all around as I first walked on the campus. The streets are lined with tall and straight palm trees and the verdant lawns can be seen here and there. What impressed me most is the lawn before the Huaishi Hall, smooth and broad, looking as if it could comfort and ease people’s pain and sadness. At the registry, I was informed that my dormitory was on the ninth floor! Much delighted, I thought to myself: “It’s so high! And the scenery must be great!” I ran up to the room quickly and just couldn’t help taking a look. Yes, that’s it! The scene was so beautiful and my dormitory was absolutely the right place for sight-seeing just as I had imagined. I was totally struck by the beauty of the southern scenery. Seen on the balcony, a mass of flourishing foliage came to my eyes, and the tall hedges and the narrow footpath seemed to dispose me in the idyllic life depicted by the famous poet Tao Yuanming. To my greater joy, I met students on this campus from all over China and made acquaintance with them. Never did I have such kind of experience before. Being intoxicated with the beautiful view, a week had passed and there came the classes. The teaching mode was a far cry from that in my undergraduate days. The professors would leave you more materials to read, give you more time to think and offer you more opportunities to display yourself. The most important part of each course was the making of presentations. I enjoy this program very much actually, in that I believe this provides me with more practical knowledge and promotes my interest in carrying out research. Of course, it’s not an easy task. It requires your painstaking efforts and needs you to read a lot of books. And this is the essence of making presentations: learning from books and creating out of books. One presentation that still remains fresh in my mind is the one about collegiate English education, because that was a great challenge for me at that moment. This program requires the originality as well as synthesizability. Our team members had nothing in our mind at all at the very beginning. Seeing that the other teams did a very excellent job, I just couldn’t take this challenge lying down. In succession to a series of consulting, designing and revising, we finally gave out one satisfied presentation. This experience made me fully realize the importance of teamwork. Sun Yat-sen University adopts a two-year postgraduate education system. I spent the first academic year in the process of attending lectures, class discussions and making presentations, which put me on the right track for my future research. At the beginning of the second year, I began to prepare for my MA thesis proposal. The proposal is very complex, but since it is the first step of an excellent MA thesis, all of us were very cautious in selecting the topics. My proposal is about the relationship between accent and comprehension of English learners. It is an original as well as a very complicated topic. So far, I have conducted experiments and just began to analyze the data of the results. Although it is hard to tackle, I am confident to come over it and accomplish it successfully because I love this topic and it is the one I have always been looking for. The postgraduate life is not wholly dry and dull, and it doesn’t mean reading books all day long as people usually imagine. Here you have plenty of time at your own disposal. I love traveling, and I often take on trips at weekends and in vacations, during which you can enjoy the picturesque landscape, widen your horizon, and mould your temperament. The life here is colorful and comfortable, but meanwhile it is also full of tension and competition. You must get ready for challenges at any moment. This, however, is also the home of inspiration. Seeing other students’ perfect presentations, with much admiration and more shame, you may gain the momentum to improve yourself and to catch up with them. The life here might be a little bit less active, but you can have more time to think about life. This is a place where you can master the research methods, and meet the real scholars. More importantly, you can comprehend here that the first step to study is to learn to be a man, a real man. During my postgraduate life, I also found my Mr. Right, who deserves my love in the whole life. Actually, we are classmates for four years in the undergraduate life. He is a diligent and kind-hearted guy, and the students all like him. And for me, I admire him even more. We have the common tastes and interests and he is really a congenial companion to me. We help and encourage each other in our study and we have the same cause and life goals. I should thank God for letting us study in the same university, for offering us more chances to know each other, and for granting us such a holy love. I still remember in one literature class when I was a senior, one foreign teacher asked us to write down our wishes in the next few years. I wrote three: to study at Sun Yat-sen University, to be a university teacher and to travel most parts of China. Now, I am making my dreams come true. Besides, I have a companion who can share weal and woe with me in my whole life. All this renders me nothing but satisfaction and comfortableness. Now I want to tell you: Only there is a dream in your heart can you succeed; only there is dream in your heart can you work hard and strive for it, become diligent, confident and active for it, and then you will realize your dream and have a wonderful future! |
中山大学美眉的幸福读研生活(图) |
李景娜,生于齐鲁大地的冬枣之乡,大学就读于孔子故里——曲阜师范大学。2003年本科毕业,旋即南赴广州中山大学读研。在此,她愿与大家一同share快乐、幸福的读研生活。 心中有梦想,你才能成功;心中有梦想,你就会为之而努力奋斗;自信地面对一切,你就会拥有一个美好的未来! 大三下学期的时候,看到班上同学都纷纷报考硕士研究生,我也就报了。经过一番努力拼搏,我来到了中山大学外国语学院,成为外国语言学及应用语言学专业的一名研究生。 刚来中大的时候,我感觉很兴奋,周围的环境新奇而又陌生。高大挺拔的棕榈树,翠绿如茵的草坪随处可见。最有特色的要属怀士堂前面的中央草坪了,平坦开阔,好像可以抚平人们心中的一切不满和烦恼。 去领宿舍登记表的时候,我发现自己的宿舍竟然是在九楼!我心里非常高兴:哇,这么高啊,风景一定很美吧。果然不出所料,这里的风景绝佳,而我宿舍绝对是个观景的好地方。在赞叹自己料事如神的同时,我被这秀丽的南国风景折服了。眼前绿树挺拔,层层叠叠,还有那高高的树篱和曲径通幽的小路,仿佛置身于陶公所描绘的田园生活中。更让人兴奋的是,在这里我遇到了来自五湖四海的同学。这些都是我以前上学所从未见过的。 陶醉于美丽的风景中,不知不觉一星期过去了,接下来就是上课了。上课的方式与本科时代也有所不同。在这里,老师们会给你更多的阅读资料,给你更多时间去思考,当然也给你更多的机会去展示自己。每门课一项重要的内容就是制作课件,这是我特别喜欢的一个项目,因为在这过程中你能学到更充实的知识,能真正体会到做学问的乐趣。当然,这并不是空口说一说就能做到的,不下苦功看书是不行的。其实这也是做课件的本质所在:从书本中汲取知识,在课堂上实践展示。我现在仍然记忆犹新的一次,是做关于大学外语教育的课件。这在当时真的是对我的一次重大挑战,因为项目不仅要有创新性,并且还要融会贯通自己所学到的知识。在制作初期,我们小组的成员都很茫然,毫无头绪,看着别的小组的优秀表现,我真的好不服气,决心一定要拿出个好成绩来让大家瞧瞧。工夫不负苦心人,经过我们的一番努力,我们最后也交上了一份满意的答卷。这次课件制作使我亲身体会到了一个团队的重要性。 中大的研究生教育是两年制。在第一学年,课堂讨论、课件制作以及课堂展示等一系列活动让我体会到了一种做研究的精神。第二年就到了硕士论文开题的时候了。开题是件很麻烦的事情,因为这是硕士论文的第一步,也是论文成败优劣的关键所在。在选题方面每个人都很慎重。我的论文是关于口音与理解性的,题目虽很新颖,但实验很难操作,结果也很难分析。但是我有信心把论文写好,因为我喜欢这个题目,这是我一直在找寻的东西。 当然,研究生的生活也不是完全枯燥乏味的,并不是整天埋头苦读。你有很多空余时间,可以自己去支配。我经常利用假期或者周末出去旅游,欣赏美丽的风景,开阔自己的视野,并且还可以陶冶自己的情操。 这里的生活是精彩而充实的,也是紧张和刺激的,你得时刻准备迎接新的挑战。这是个激励人的地方,当你看到别人展示的课件无可挑剔的时候,除了羡慕,除了惭愧,更多的往往是进步的动力。这里确实少了一些活跃,但却多了几分对生活、对人生的思考。这里也使你能够见识到大家的风范,学到做学问的方法,更可贵的是,能让你明白做学问的第一步是做人,做一个堂堂正正的人。 在研究生的生活中,我也找到了自己心爱的人,一辈子值得我去珍惜的爱情。其实我们是大学四年同学,大学时候他是个非常勤奋的好学生,并且乐于助人。同学们都很喜欢他,我更是很钦佩他。我们两个性格相投,在学习上更是相互帮助和激励,因为我们有着共同的事业和目标。感谢上苍让我们考取同一所院校,给予了我们更多了解彼此的机会,赐予了我们如此神圣的爱情。 记得在大学一次文学课上,一位外籍老师曾让我们写下最近几年想要实现的梦想。我写了三个:考上中山大学,做一名大学老师,周游神州大地。看看现在的我,我很满意,也很欣慰,因为我已经完成了自己在这两年的任务,并且找到了值得我共度一生的人。 我想告诉大家,心中有梦想,你才能成功;心中有梦想,你就会为之而努力奋斗;自信地面对一切,你就会拥有一个美好的未来! |
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