最最糟糕的食客是什么样的 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/08 20:03 视听英语Ladder AI杂志 |
Atrocious Table Manners (Written by Chris; Level: Advanced) Alfredo: Whoa! This is a real classy joint. The waiters are all dressed to the nines. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into the food. Finn: I hear ya, my stomach is rumbling. The lobster comes highly recommended, and I have heard excellent things about the filet mignon. Alfredo: Just thinking about it makes my mouth water! When are the dishes going to come? I am so hungry I could eat a horse. (Picks up silverware and starts banging loudly on the table). Finn: Settle down, Alfredo. Just be patient. Ah! Here it comes now. (The waiter brings out the food). Alfredo: (Loudly) Finally! It’s about time! Finn: (After the waiter leaves) Why did you say that in front of the waiter? We only ordered twenty minutes ago. Alfredo: Oh! Who cares? (Takes a big bite, and chews his food with his mouth open) Finn: Were you raised in a barn? Please close your mouth when you chew. Alfredo: This steak is really scrumptious, maybe the best I’ve ever tasted! (Food comes out of his mouth as he talks). Finn: You eat like a pig! Didn’t your mother ever tell you to never talk with your mouth full? Alfredo: We always had dinner in front of the TV. I can’t get over how great this food is! (Smack, smack, smack) Finn: My goodness, you are a noisy eater! I know your parents raised you better than this. Where are your manners? Alfredo: (Licking his fingers) Why are you looking at me like that? |
最最糟糕的食客是什么样的 |
阿非列德:哇喔!这真是家高档饭店,侍者们衣着都很光鲜!我等不及啦,真想现在就美美地吃上一大口! 贝恩:同意!我的肚子正咕噜咕噜地叫呢。这儿的龙虾非常受欢迎,还有啊,我常听人家对这里的法式小牛排赞不绝口呢! 阿非列德:想一下都会让人流口水!饭菜什么时候才能端上来啊?我现在饿得都能吃下一匹马了!(拿起件银餐具大声地敲着桌子。) 贝恩:安静点,阿非列德。稍微耐心点。喔!菜来了!(侍者端上了饭菜。) 阿非列德:(大声地)终于来了!可以开吃啰! 贝恩:(等侍者离开后)为什么要当着侍者的面说这种话?二十分钟前我们才点的菜啊。 阿非列德:哦!谁会在意这些?(咬了一大口,张着大嘴咀嚼着。) 贝恩:你怎么这么没教养?嚼东西时请闭上嘴! 阿非列德:这牛排真好吃,可能是我吃过最好吃的牛排了!(说话时一块肉从嘴里掉了下来。) 贝恩:你吃起饭来像猪一样!难道你妈没告诉过你嘴里塞满食物时绝不能说话吗? 阿非列德:我们经常边看电视边吃饭。太好吃了,真让人吃惊哦!(叭唧,叭唧,叭唧) 贝恩:天哪!你可真是个吵人的食客!我想你父母可不是这样教导你的吧!你的教养都到哪里去了? 阿非列德:(舔着手指头)你干嘛这么看我? classy adj. 上等的;漂亮的rumble v. 隆隆声chew v. 咀嚼barn n. 畜棚steak n. 牛排scrumptious adj. 美味的noisy adj. 吵闹的lick vt. 舔 |