印度总理11日与温家宝总理举行会谈 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/12 16:45 国际在线 |
Visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao held talks with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Monday. The meeting resulted in the two governments signing a joint statement and declaring the establishment of strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries for peace and prosperity. The two leaders reached common views on expanding friendly and mutually-beneficial cooperation in a wide-range of fields between the two countries. The two governments also signed an agreement on political guiding principles for solving the border issue. The two leaders also exchanged views on the situation in South Asia, with the Chinese premier welcoming the efforts by India and Pakistan to improve their relations. Wen said that China is not seeking any interests for its own in South Asia and that China's promotion of relations with South Asian nations is not against any third party. He added that China will play a constructive role in promoting peace and development in South Asia. The two leaders attended the signing ceremony of a number of agreements on cooperation in the fields including finance and civil aviation after the their talks. |
印度总理11日与温家宝总理举行会谈 |
国际在线综合报道:印度总理曼莫汉-辛格11日在新德里与到访的中国总理温家宝举行会谈。两国领导人就双边关系和共同关心的地区、国际问题深入交换了意见。 温家宝在会谈结束后向中国媒体介绍了此次访问印度取得的成果。他说,这是一次具有重要意义的访问,访问成果主要体现在4个方面:一是中印签署联合声明,确定建立面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系;二是公布两国全面经济合作五年规划,争取使双边贸易额到2008年达到或超过200亿美元,到2010年达到300亿美元;三是双方签订了解决边境问题的政治原则协定;四是中国表示理解并支持印度在联合国及国际事务中发挥重要的作用。 当天早些时候,温家宝还前往“圣雄甘地墓”敬献了花圈,并会见了印度副总统兼联邦院议长谢卡瓦特。 温总理还出席了“中印商务合作大会”,并就加强两国经贸合作提出五点建议。 |