《吻》仍然可能价值1万英镑(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/14 18:00 国际在线 |
充满争议的《吻》仍然可能价值1万英镑(图) The heroine of Robert Doisneau's Baiser de l'H?tel de Ville, the archetypal photograph of Paris's most archetypal open-air activity, has decided to sell her original print at auction half a century after it was taken. Fran?oise Bornet, a former actor who performed the kiss with her real-life then boyfriend, Jacques Carteaud, 55 years ago, said the print, which bears the photographer's stamp, would go under the hammer on August 25. She said Doisneau, who died in 1994, had sent it to her a few days after taking the photograph as part of an assignment for America's Life magazine, which had asked him for pictures of young lovers in Paris. The picture of a young, tousle-haired man planting a kiss on the lips of a slender girl became a global symbol of Paris romance in 1986, when it came out as a poster, selling 410,000 copies in the next five years. Le Baiser (The Kiss) was thought to have been unposed until another couple, Jean and Denise Lavergne, told the magazine L'Express in 1992 that they were its unwitting subjects and that they now wanted compensation. Doisneau was forced to reveal that the picture had been posed: he had seen the young couple kissing passionately in a cafe, and they had agreed to return later for the shoot. Ms Bornet and Ms Lavergne both subsequently sued Doisneau, and each other, both claiming to be the woman in the photo and both demanding a share in its substantial worldwide earnings. A Paris court threw the cases out in 1993, ruling that a kiss was just a kiss and that 40 years on, Le Baiser "could not offer positive proof of identification". Ms Bornet, who in 1950 was studying acting at a Paris drama school with Corteaud, never received any royalties from the reproduction, whose rights are owned by the Rapho agency, Doisneau's employer when he took the picture. She can now hope to make between ?10,200 to ?13,700 from the sale of her sought-after original, a spokesman for Artcurial auction house said. The former actor, now 75, revealed, rather disappointingly, that she and her student boyfriend - who became a winemaker in southern France and died last year - were lovers for only eight or nine months. Despite being eternally linked by one of the world's best-known photos, they did not stay in touch after they split up, beyond a brief phone call some years ago. "I now think of it as a picture that should never really have existed," Ms Bornet told French media yesterday. "That's why I'm getting rid of it." She added, perhaps wistfully: "The photo was posed. But the kiss was real." |
《吻》仍然可能价值1万英镑(图) |
您一定目睹过这幅让许多人都沉醉的照片《吻》。照片上那对在法国街头热情拥吻的情侣完美地诠释了享誉世界的法国浪漫风情。半个世纪后,照片中的女主角决定在4月25日将照片原件拍卖。 据英国《卫报》4月13日报道,这幅名叫《吻》的照片由法国摄影家罗伯特-杜瓦诺于55年前在巴黎街头拍摄。照片上,头发卷曲的青年男子拥揽着身材苗条的女子亲吻。1986年,这幅照片被制成海报后在全球发行,并在此后的5年里先后被复制了41万份。一时间,《吻》成为浪漫巴黎的标志之一,风靡全球。 日前,照片中的女主角博内特表示,这张印有摄影师名字的照片原件将于25日在法国阿特库里尔拍卖行被拍卖。拍卖行发言人透露说,博内特希望照片能卖出1.02万英镑至1.37万英镑的价格。据博内特称,杜瓦诺当年为美国一本生活杂志拍摄巴黎年轻情侣时,拍下了她与男友卡尔托热吻的一幕。不久后,杜瓦诺将照片寄给了她。 《吻》曾一度被认为是杜瓦诺在巴黎街头真实捕捉的画面,但直到一对名叫拉韦涅的夫妇的出现,《吻》背后的故事才被人所知。1992年,拉韦涅夫妇指出,照片中的情侣正是他们,由于是被偷拍,他们要为自己的肖像权索赔。 此时,摄影师杜瓦诺才不得不承认,《吻》实际上不是偶然捕捉到的镜头,而是刻意摆出的画面。杜瓦诺说,他当年看见一对情侣在巴黎一家咖啡馆外热情的拥吻,后来在他的要求下,这对情侣同意刻意再吻一次给他拍照。杜瓦诺于1994年去世。 博内特女士和拉韦涅女士都声称自己是照片中的女主角,也都曾先后向杜瓦诺索要赔款,并要求在由这张照片所带来的丰厚收入中得到分红。 1993年,巴黎一家法院对此案进行了审理。判决书说,《吻》仅仅只是一个吻而已,它发生在40年前,它不能再提供任何有力的证据来断定谁是照片中的人物。 现年75岁的博内特称,1950年她和男友卡尔托在巴黎的一所戏剧学校学习表演,当时被杜瓦诺拍下了这张经典的《吻》。由于照片复制品的版权属于当年杜瓦诺的东家拉弗奥公司,她一直没有得到版权收入。 博内特还透露,她学生时代的恋人、照片中的男主人公卡尔托后来在法国南部成为了一名酿酒师,于去年去世;十分可惜的是,他们的恋情仅仅维持了八九个月。尽管这张世界上最经典的照片始终把他们两人紧密的联系在一起,但自从分手之后,他们就再也没有了联系。 博内特表示:“我认为这是一张从来都不真实存在的照片,这也是我要将它拍卖的原因。”她还补充说:“照片上的姿势是刻意摆出来的,但那个吻却是真实的。”(文/蒋黎黎) |
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