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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/14 18:17  国际在线

  A safari park in Britain was celebrating the birth in captivity of one of the world's rarest breed of giraffes -- its second such success in four years.

  The baby Rothschild Giraffe was born on Sunday at lunchtime -- a rarity in itself as most giraffe births take place after nightfall -- in front of a delighted crowd at the Woburn Safari Park in Bedfordshire, north of London, said Cheryl Williams, the park's marketing manager.

  "They are a very rare sub-species of giraffe. We think there are only about 40 of them left in the wild," she told AFP Tuesday.

  Williams was unable to say how many of the giraffes were living in captivity, but said Woburn was part of a Europe-wide breeding program involving 95 zoos and parks.

  "A lot of endangered animals are part of European breeding programs. This is because most zoos and parks only tend to keep a small number of animals and when they are rare you need the flexibility to move them around and cross breed them so you keep the most diverse genetic bank of animals possible," she said.

  Doto, the father of the female calf, who has yet to be named, came from the Netherlands while and the mother, Savannah, moved to the park from Edinburgh.

  William said the newborn giraffe boosted the animal's population at Woburn to six, including her baby sister Danica -- the park's first successful giraffe birth since it joined the programme four years ago.

  Poaching has been blamed for the huge fall in Rothschild numbers in the wild but they are naturally targeted by lions, hyenas and leopards.

  The subspecies look similar to most giraffes but their coat is pale and thickset when compared with the Masai giraffe, the patches are less jagged but are normally not patterned below the knee.

  They live in lightly wooded bush and grassland in eastern Africa where their height and excellent vision help them to spot predators.



  据法新社4月12日报道,这只珍稀的罗特希尔德长颈鹿(Rothschild Giraffe)宝宝4月10日中午,降生于伦敦北部贝德福郡的沃本野生动物园(Woburn Safari Park)里。这只长颈鹿宝宝的与众不同之处还在于它出生的时间非常少见--大部分长颈鹿都是在黄昏之后生产,而像它这样在中午时分降生在欣喜的围观者面前的就很不寻常。



  报道说,罗特希尔德长颈鹿与其它大部分长颈鹿的模样差不多,但是与马赛长颈鹿(Masai giraffe)相比,它们皮毛的颜色比较黯淡,毛也更稠密一些。野生的罗特希尔德长颈鹿通常生活在非洲东部的矮灌木丛中和草原上。在那里,身高的优势和极好的视力能让它们尽早发现天敌。(文/王高山)

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