周强等获联合国“地球卫士奖” |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/22 20:43 国际在线 |
新华社快讯:联合国环境规划署19日晚在纽约联合国总部举行隆重颁奖典礼,授予包括中华全国青年联合会及其名誉主席周强在内的7位获奖者首届“地球卫士奖”。 Zhou Qiang and the All-China Youth Federation received on Tuesday the prestigious Champion of the Earth Award for "setting an example for the world to follow." Klaus Toepfer, Executive Director of the UN Environment Program(UNEP), presented the award to Zhou, honorary chairman of the All-China Youth Federation, and six other winners at the UN headquarters in New York. Toepfer said at the ceremony that UNEP is honored to recognize the achievements of the seven people who have set the environmental agenda and laid the foundations for many areas of progress "we are able to see and celebrate." He stressed that the seven winners "not only make speeches, but do something." According to UNEP, the prize goes to Zhou in recognition of his"outstanding achievements" as leader of the China Mother River Protection Operation, which mobilized 300 million Chinese youth to protect the environment. Each laureate received a trophy made of recycled metal. The trophy, designed by a Kenyan sculptor, represents the fundamental elements for life on Earth -- sun, air, land and water. In a speech to the ceremony, Zhou said the All-China Youth Federation has all along endeavored to the undertaking of eco-environmental protection. |
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