美电信业巨头并购 旗下员工遭殃 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/21 19:18 国际在线 |
Job cuts from mergers and acquisitions soared in the first quarter, job search firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas said Wednesday. Merger-related job cuts jumped to 76,784 in the quarter, nearly six times above the previous quarter and about three times the rate of a year earlier. And mergers accounted for about 27 percent of all the 287,134 job cuts in the quarter, according to the firm. The biggest cutting came in the telecom industry, which saw increased M&A activity in the last half of 2004 and the beginning of 2005. Forty-two percent, or 32,380, of the merger-related cuts occurred in telecom, Challenger said. "Several telecom deals have yet to be finalized, but once they are we can expect to see more fallout, especially since many of these deals were made with the sole purpose of cutting costs," John Challenger, CEO of the firm, said in a statement. "These (findings) demonstrate how difficult it is to integrate work forces that prior to the merger viewed each other as adversaries, or worse, viewed one another with contempt," he added. |
美电信业巨头并购 旗下员工遭殃 |
近期,美国各大公司纷纷收购合并的做法也许会对扩充公司实力方面起到至关重要的作用,然而从公司内部工作人员的眼中看来,收购也许就意味着失业。 据美国有线电视新闻网4月20日报道,美国就业调查机构Challenger, Gray & Christmas公司当天公布报告说,由于今年第1季度美国各大公司在并购市场上表现活跃,这些公司内部的裁员人数也在节节攀升,据统计,该季度因公司并购导致的裁员人数已达7.7万,几乎是上一个季度的6倍,去年同期的3倍之多。 报道说,裁员现象最为严重的要数电信企业。去年下半年,美国电信业的合并收购行动数目繁多,这种趋势也延伸到了今年年初。统计数据显示,今年第1季度,美国因企业合并而导致的裁员数量中,有42%来自于电信领域,约有3.2万人。 Challenger公司首席执行官约翰-查林杰在一份声明中说:“如今多项电信业收购计划还在进行当中,等到并购完成时,我们将看到更多的裁员现象发生,且最近电信领域并购的一大目的就是降低运营成本,因此随之而来加大裁员数量的行动也完全在预想当中。”他进一步指出,如果双方在合并之前关系不甚融洽,出现敌对甚至蔑视的现象,合并之后的工作人员整合工作将显得愈发困难。(文/李远 ) |
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