是真是假?英国家肖像馆鉴莎翁肖像 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/25 16:23 国际在线 |
A portrait of William Shakespeare, claimed by many to have been painted during his lifetime, is a 19th-century fake, the National Portrait Gallery announced last night. The discovery is the first step in a year-long study of the six works with the best claim to be contemporary portraits of the playwright. The results will be revealed by the gallery early next year. If all six are fakes or copies, the popular image of a balding Shakespeare with wispy moustache and beard will be thrown into serious doubt. The fake unmasked yesterday is the "Flower Shakespeare", owned by the Royal Shakespeare Company and displayed at its headquarters in Stratford-upon-Avon. The Flower family of brewers gave it to Stratford in 1895. Though the unknown artist painted the inscription "Willm Shakespeare 1609" in the top left corner, the gallery said yesterday the picture might have had more to do with a 19th century "Del Boy". From microscopic examination of pigments in the paint, the gallery says the picture, on a wooden panel, was painted between 1818 and 1840. Its first recorded owner, in 1840, lived in the TV rogue's home of Peckham, south London. The investigation has also confirmed an earlier finding that the Bard's portrait was covering a much earlier religious painting. The gallery has identified it as a minor Florentine work of the 1540s, showing the Madonna and Child with John the Baptist. Shakespeare the man remains an enigmatic figure. The most widely accepted likenesses of him are a bust at his burial place of Holy Trinity, Stratford-upon-Avon, and the engraved portrait that appeared on the First Folio of his collected plays, seven years after his death in 1623. The First Folio illustration was by a young engraver from the Low Countries called Droeshout, and a number of scholars have argued that he copied the likeness from the "Flower Shakespeare". Others have always maintained that it is a fake. Tarnya Cooper, who is in charge of the investigation, said: "It certainly isn't what many have purported it to be and the RSC has championed it as the original from which Droeshout made his copy. It is clearly the other way round. "It is fantastic that we can be so categorical. But it doesn't get us any closer to answering the question 'What did Shakespeare look like?' " The gallery's key finding was that two pigments in the "Flower Shakespeare", chrome yellow and French ultramarine, were not available until 1818 and 1826 respectively. Experts also ruled out the possibility that they had been used to repair an older work. The gallery team will now carry out similar investigations into the other five lifetime portrait "contenders". The results will be presented at an exhibition, Searching for Shakespeare, next March. The two pictures with the best claims are the undated "Chandos Shakespeare", the first painting given to the newly founded gallery in 1856, and the "Grafton Shakespeare" at the John Rylands Gallery in Manchester, which bears an inscription saying it was painted in 1588, when the playwright was 24. |
是真是假?英国家肖像馆鉴莎翁肖像 |
英国国家肖像馆日前宣布,一幅在英国流传盛广并被认为是在莎士比亚生前完成的莎翁肖像很可能是一幅完成于19世纪的虚构作品。 据英国《每日电讯报》4月22日报道,近日,英国国家肖像馆对6幅最著名的莎士比亚同时期肖像开始了为期1年的鉴别工作。鉴别的最终结果将于明年正式公布。如果这6幅肖像中莎翁的形象都是虚构的,那么莎士比亚那为人熟知的秃顶、八字须再加络腮胡的形象将受到质疑。 这幅被认为有可能是虚构莎翁形象的作品名为《弗劳尔:莎士比亚》。它一直由英国皇家莎士比亚剧团珍藏,并悬挂在该剧团位于莎士比亚故乡——斯特拉特福德的总部。该作品于1895由弗劳尔家族赠予斯特拉特福德。尽管该画左上角的题字为“威廉·莎士比亚,1609”,但英国国家肖像馆日前表示,这幅画更有可能是19世纪的作品,而不一定是莎翁本人的肖像。 专家通过对画面所用颜料的精微检测后发现,《弗劳尔:莎士比亚》中的两种颜料——铬黄和法国蓝是在1818年和1826年才开始广泛应用。肖像馆指出,这幅绘制在木板上的肖像应该是在1818年至1840年间完成的,这便推翻了关于它系完成于莎士比亚生前的观点。但也有专家表示,这些颜料也有可能是被用来修复旧画的。报道说,有关该画的历史记录开始于1840年,它的第1位主人居住在伦敦南部的佩克汉姆地区。同时,鉴别结果还证实了早先一个关于该画的猜测:这幅肖像的下面隐藏着一幅更早时期的宗教画。英国国家肖像馆已证实,该宗教画是1540年由佛罗伦撒一名少年所做,画面刻画了圣母、耶稣以及施洗约翰的形象。也许正因如此,“画中画”里所谓的莎士比亚肖像显得更加地神秘莫测。 目前,被公认的最接近莎士比亚真实面目的肖像是他在斯特拉特福德圣三一宫墓地的一尊半身塑像。根据该塑像绘制的莎士比亚肖像被印在了1623年首次出版的《莎士比亚戏剧集》扉页上。这尊塑像是欧洲一位名叫德鲁斯豪特的年轻雕刻师的作品。许多专家认为,德鲁斯豪特的作品实际上是临摹的《弗劳尔:莎士比亚》,也有专家认为,德鲁斯豪特也虚构了莎士比亚形象。 负责此次鉴定工作的库珀说:“很显然,《弗劳尔:莎士比亚》上面的莎翁形象可能是虚构的,而皇家莎士比亚剧团认为,德鲁斯豪特所做的画像也是临摹的《弗劳尔:莎士比亚》。因此,我们不能确定莎士比亚究竟长什么样。” 报道说,英国国家肖像馆还将继续对另外5幅莎士比亚同时期肖像进行鉴别。鉴别结果将在明年3月的“寻找莎士比亚”展览上公布。这些画中包括两幅久负盛名的莎士比亚肖像。一幅是未标注确切绘制日期的《尚多斯:莎士比亚》,它是1856年肖像馆建成后珍藏的第1幅莎翁画像;另一幅是绘制于1588年的《格拉夫顿:莎士比亚》,当时的莎士比亚年仅24岁。(文/蒋黎黎) |
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