里根详述其总统生涯私人日记将出版 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/28 20:58 国际在线 |
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The hand-written White House diaries of late US president Ronald Reagan will be published next year, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library said on Tuesday. In a joint announcement, the library and Harper Collins Publishers, the publishing house which acquired the rights to publish Ronald Reagan's hand-written diaries from his eight-year term as 40th US president, said the diaries will be published as a book to be release in 2006. "When we left Sacramento (for Washington), we felt the time passed so quickly, we could hardly remember the eight years," said Nancy Reagan. "When Ronnie became president, he wanted to write it all down so we could remember these special times." The diaries, which are at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California, are the most detailed presidential diaries in American history, according to library officials. "Each day during his eight years in the White House, Ronald Reagan recorded his innermost thoughts and observations in his personal diary," said Frederick Ryan Jr., chairman of the board of trustees for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. "Although they were not initially intended for publication, we feel that these volumes offer an unprecedented insight into the Reagan presidency," Ryan said. The original copies of the diaries went on display today at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and the exhibit will continue into the future, said Melissa Giller of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Foundation. |
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里根详述其总统生涯私人日记将出版 |
国际在线报道:据《华盛顿邮报》报道,哈珀·柯林斯出版公司和里根总统图书馆基金会26日宣布,将出版里根总统的私人日记。这部由里根总统亲笔书写的日记几乎记录了他八年白宫生涯的每一天。五卷日记记录每日生活。里根总统有一个五卷皮革包边的日记已不是一个秘密。 媒体曾在80年代伊朗门事件调查期间引用过这部日记的部分内容:“我同意向伊朗出售陶式导弹。”里根在写作他的自传《一个美国人的一生:自传》时也参考过日记的内容。一些学者多年来也能看到这部日记。 但只有很少的人有机会能看到这部日记的大部分内容。由于书面记录现在非常可能会被公开,因此这可能是人们第一次也是最后一次有机会能够通过总统本人的视线来了解一位当代总统的每日生活。 日记内容直率坦白客观曾任里根白宫助理、现任里根总统图书馆基金会主席的瑞恩说:“我们还不知道有哪一位当代总统记下了这样详细的个人日记。这部日记从他宣誓就任总统开始,一直到他八年后坐飞机返回加州时止。日记的内容非常直率坦白。” 曾有机会读到日记全文的学者摩里斯说:“这些日记惊人的冷静、非常有条理和连续性。它们表现了一个作为总统的男子所具有的非凡的客观性。” 出版公司天价买下版权哈珀·柯林斯出版公司总裁兼首席执行官福里德曼称,公司将于明年出版里根总统的日记。 一位了解交易内幕的人士称,哈珀·柯林斯出版公司将支付“七位数”的价格以获得日记的出版权。福里德曼拒绝证实这一消息,但不管具体价格是多少,这笔钱都将交给非赢利的里根总统图书馆基金会管理。 里根总统在十年前将日记交给了基金会,并授权基金会以它认为的最佳方式来处理日记。 |
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