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英文影院:Home Alone II 小鬼当家2
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/25 10:31  国际在线


Home Alone II《小鬼当家2》片段
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  The McAllister family go on a holiday to Florida. Kevin McAllister gets separated from his family, and manages to get himself onto a plane to New York instead. There, he checks into the best hotel with his father's credit card, and sets out to enjoy himself. Unfortunately, the burgulars he had foiled before were in New York after being released from jail, and had plans to rob the biggest toyshop in New York on Christmas Eve. Kevin discovers their plan, and sets out to foil their plots again, while the burgulars set out to finish off what they had not done before - the killing of the brat Kevin.


  Kevin: (Singing) Christmastime means laughter, Toboggans in the snow. Caroling together with faces aglow. Stockings on the mantel, a wreath on the door. And my merriest Christmas needs just one thing more.

  Boy: Christmas tree, my Christmas tree...

  Mom: Kevin!

  Buzz: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...I'd like to apologize to my family for whatever displeasure...I might have caused you.

  Kevin: What?

  Buzz: My prank(恶作剧) was immature and ill-timed.

  Uncle Frank: Immature or not, it was pretty darn hilarious.

  Buzz: I'd also like to apologize to my brother. Kevin, I'm sorry.

  Mom: Oh, Buzz...it was very nice. Kevin, do you have something to say?

  Buzz: Beat that, you little trout-sniffer.

  Kevin: I'm not sorry. I did what I did because Buzz humiliated me. And since he gets away with everything, I'll let him have it. Since you are so stupid to believe his lies...I don't care whether the idiotic Florida trip is wrecked or not. Who wants to spend Christmas in a tropical climate anyway?

  Mom: Kevin!

  Dad: Kevin, you walk out of here, you sleep on the third floor.

  Fuller: Yeah, with me.

  Kevin: So what else is new?

  Uncle Frank: You'd better not wreck my trip, you little sour puss! You dad's paying good money for it.

  Kevin: Oh, I wouldn't want to spoil your fun, Mr. Cheapskate.

  Buzz: What a troubled young man.

  Kevin: They're all a bunch of jerks.

  Mom: Hi! You know, Kevin, last time we all tried to take a trip, we had a problem that started just like this.

  Kevin: Yeah, with me getting crapped on.

  Mom: I don't care for your choice of words. That's not what happened last time and not what's happening this time. Buzz apologized to you.

  Kevin: Yeah, then he called me a trout-sniffer. He didn't mean what he said. He was just sucking up to you.

  Mom: OK, why don't you just sit up here for a while and think things over? When you're ready to apologize to Buzz and to the rest of the family, you can come down.

  Kevin: I'm not apologizing to Buzz! I'd rather kiss a toilet seat!

  Mom: Then you could stay up here the rest of the night.

  Kevin: Fine, I don't wanna go down anyway! I can't trust anybody in this family. And you know what? If I had my own money, I'd go on my own vacation. Alone, without any of you guys. And I'd have the most fun of my whole life.

  Mom: Well, you got your wish last year. Maybe you'll get it again this year.

  Kevin: I hope so.


  1. get away with something 侥幸成功,逃脱处罚

  2. cheapskate <美国俚语>守财奴,吝啬鬼

  3. suck up to sb. 奉承某人

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