加拿大小姐加冕环球小姐桂冠(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/03 18:50 国际在线 |
加拿大小姐加冕环球小姐桂冠 Miss Canada Natalie Glebova was crowned Miss Universe 2005 in Bangkok on Tuesday at the climax of a beauty pageant that once again managed to stumble into controversy. Glebova, a 23-year-old motivational speaker from Toronto, succeeded last year's winner, Australian Jennifer Hawkins, after the usual evening gown and swimsuit parades that pull in TV viewers worldwide but outrage feminists and traditionalists . Even though hotly tipped for the title, the final announcement appeared to stun Glebova, who moved to Canada from her native Russia only 11 years ago. "This is all happening too fast and it's unreal. It's slowly starting to sink in," she told reporters moments after being crowned with the glittering, diamond-encrusted Miss Universe tiara. Dressed in a long white evening dress, she hugged her parents on stage and then praised her new homeland for giving her and her family the chance to start a new life. "When we came 11 years ago, we came with nothing, and now we've got so much," she said. In all, 81 beauties from Albania to Zambia made it to Thailand, riding elephants, touring temples and rollicking on tsunami-hit beaches in the run-up to Tuesday's finale. In the middle of the show, the conference hall fell silent for a minute in memory of the more than 228,000 dead or missing from the Dec. 26 Indian Ocean tsunami. Nearly 5,400 of the victims were in Thailand. |
加拿大小姐加冕环球小姐桂冠(图) |
本周二(5月31日),在泰国曼谷举行的2005环球小姐选美总决赛中,加拿大小姐纳塔利·格莱波娃艳压群芳,夺得桂冠。与此同时,这项赛事再次招来争议。 23岁的格莱波娃来自加拿大多伦多市。她在比赛中表现出来的演讲天赋最终使她从上届冠军澳大利亚美女珍妮佛·赫金斯手中接过桂冠。环球小姐选美比赛包括晚装和泳装的角逐,吸引了全世界电视观众的目光,但同时也招来了女权主义者和传统主义者的声讨。 尽管夺冠呼声很高,但格莱波娃仍然对最终的结果感到吃惊。11年前,她才从祖国俄罗斯移民到加拿大。戴上闪闪发光、镶满钻石的环球小姐桂冠后,格莱波娃告诉记者:“这一切都来得太快了,简直令人难以置信。我一下子还反应不过来。” 身穿一袭白色晚礼服的格莱波娃在舞台上和父母紧紧拥抱在一起,然后她还感谢了她的第二故乡加拿大。在那里,她和她的全家开始了全新的生活。 她说:“11年前我们两手空空地来到这个国家,而现在我们已经获得如此之多。” 总共81名佳丽参加了这次在泰国举行的选美比赛,她们来自世界各地,如阿尔巴尼亚和津巴布韦。在周二总决赛之前的准备阶段里,她们骑过大象,参观了庙宇还去海啸受灾地区游玩。 总决赛进行过程中,整个会场为海啸的死难者默哀一分种,以纪念在去年12月26日发生的印度洋海啸中丧生或失踪的22.8万名受害者,他们中约有5400名泰国人。 |
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