《福布斯》名人榜奥普拉占鳌头(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/20 19:11 国际在线 |
《福布斯》名人榜奥普拉占鳌头 Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey reigns supreme among celebrities, according to Forbes magazine's power rankings of the top 100 celebrities released on Thursday. Winfrey moved up from No. 3 in 2004 to supplant "Passion of the Christ" director Mel Gibson at the top of the list. Golf star Tiger Woods held on to his runner-up position and Gibson slid into third place. The Forbes power rankings give the most weight to a celebrity's earnings over the past 12 months, but also factor in popularity standards including Internet presence, press clippings, magazine cover stories and mentions on TV and radio, Forbes said. Winfrey, who draws 30 million viewers weekly in the United States and whose talk show reaches 112 countries, raked in $225 million to rank second in celebrity riches. Gibson, buoyed by DVD sales of "Passion," earned $185 million, while Woods made $87 million from his golf and endorsement deals. George Lucas, director/producer of the "Star Wars" movies, was fourth on the power list and topped the money table with $290 million made over the past 12 months. Rounding out the top 10 were basketball star Shaquille O'Neal in fifth place, followed by film director/producer Steven Spielberg, actor Johnny Depp, pop music stars Madonna and Elton John and actor Tom Cruise. |
《福布斯》名人榜奥普拉占鳌头(图) |
美国《福布斯》杂志6月16日公布的2005年度“百位名人”排行榜中,脱口秀女王奥普拉-温弗瑞从去年第3名跃升到榜首,取代了去年的榜首梅尔-吉布森。老虎伍兹和梅尔-吉布森今年分别列第2和第3名。 据路透社6月16日报道,《福布斯》杂志的“百位名人”年度排行榜是衡量好莱坞明星、体育圈名将,及社会名流个人财富与影响力的重要指针。排行榜要考虑候选人在过去12个月中的收入情况,同时也要顾及到他(她)在网络、报纸、杂志封面、电视以及电台上的爆光程度。 温弗瑞主持的“奥普拉脱口秀”节目在世界112个国家放映,仅在美国本土的观众每周就达到3000万。这位大姐大过去12个月的收入达到2.25亿美元,在“最富有名人”中位列第2,仅次于《星际大战》系列电影导演乔治-卢卡斯。。 《耶稣受难记》的DVD让吉布森获得了1.85亿美元的收入,而伍兹则从球赛和签名等活动中得到了8700万美元。星战系列导演乔治-卢卡斯位列“百位名人”的第4名,而在财富榜上他却以2.9亿美元的收入位居首位。 篮球明星大鲨鱼奥尼尔排在第5,以下依次为著名电影导演斯蒂文-斯皮尔伯格、演员约翰尼-德普、歌星麦当娜、埃尔顿-约翰和演员汤姆-克鲁斯。(文/王旒子) |
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