意大利男人面对漂亮的女性羞于启齿 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/09 14:14 国际在线 |
The image of Italian men as muscled, smooth-talking Lotharios who prey on female tourists has been shattered. According to a new report, the average Italian man suffers from deep insecurity and is too shy to chat anyone up. 'This summer on the beach, he will sit alone, protected by sun-cream and sunglasses, isolated from the rest of the world by his mobile phone and his palmtop or his MP3,' says Raffaele Morelli, whose magazine Riza Psicosomatica carried out the survey. 'Instead of being confident, the modern Italian man will be in a fever of embarrassment and insecurity.' The golden era of the Italian beach Lothario was in the Sixties and Seventies when no women could go any distance without being propositioned or having her bottom pinched. But beaches now, according to the report, are places where people try to make themselves as invisible as possible. The survey of Italian men aged 26 to 60 reveals that only one in three feels comfortable about their body in a swimming suit. They are concerned that they are too fat or too thin, or do not have a dark enough tan. Some 62 per cent of the men surveyed said they felt too shy to chat up an attractive girl and 52 per cent said they worried about being given the brush-off. One in three of the men surveyed said they go to the beach only to sunbathe, and are happy hiding behind the pages of a book, listening to music or lying under a sun umbrella. |
意大利男人面对漂亮的女性羞于启齿 |
根据最新的调查显示,以前意大利男人留给女性旅游者的那种肌肉发达且开朗健谈的形象已经荡然无存。现在,意大利男人普遍沉浸在深深的不安中难以自拔,而且他们已经害羞到不敢与女性攀谈的地步。 据英国《观察家报》8月7日报道,意大利《Riza Psicosomatica》杂志针对该国年龄在26岁到60岁之间的男性进行了这项调查。其结果显示,只有三分之一的被调查者在穿着泳装时对自己的体形感到满意,他们中的大多数人担心自己不是太胖就是太瘦,还有些人对自己的肤色感到不满;约有62%的被调查者表示他们由于羞怯感过于强烈,所以不敢与那些迷人的女孩儿主动交谈;而宣称害怕遭到对方拒绝的被调查者的比例达到了52%;有三分之一的受访者表示他们前往海滩的目的只是为了晒日光浴,且很乐于让自己埋头于书本之中,聆听各种优美的音乐或者干脆就躲在遮阳伞下。 对此,该杂志社的拉斐尔-莫莱利表示,“在今夏的海滩上,他将孤独地坐在那里,用防晒霜和太阳镜 将自身保护起来,通过手机、掌上电脑或MP3将自己与身边的人隔绝开来”,“不同于以往那种充满自信的形象,当代意大利男人将会长期处于困窘和不安全感的折磨之下”。 (文/张咏) |
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