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在线英乐吧:Time of the Season
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/05 17:48  国际在线



乐队:the Zombies


  Time of the Season 爱的季节

  It's the time of the season 这是爱的季节,

  1)When the love runs high 爱情的火焰高涨

  In this time, give it to me easy 在这个时节,请放松

  And let me try 让我满怀喜悦

  With pleasured hands 用我的双手,

  To take you and the sun to 把你和阳光

  2)Promised lands 带往世外桃源。

  To show you every one 介绍你认识所有人,

  It's the time of the season for loving 这是恋爱的季节。

  What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

  (What's your name?) (你叫什么名字?)

  Who's your daddy? 你的爸爸是谁?

  (Who's your daddy? He rich?) (你的爸爸是谁?他有钱吗?)

  Is he rich like me? 他像我一样有钱吗?

  Has he taken 他有没有

  (Has he taken) (他有没有)

  Any time 花时间

  (Any time to show) (花时间告诉你)

  To show you what you need to live? 告诉你要怎样生活?

  Tell it to me slowly 慢慢地告诉我。

  Tell you what? 你知道吗?

  I really want to know 我真的很想知道。

  It's the time of the season for loving 这是恋爱的季节。

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