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连环爆炸发生后 伦敦人曾感压力重
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/29 10:26  国际在线

  Almost a third of Londoners suffered serious stress after the July 7 terrorist attacks on the transport network, a study shows.

  Researchers, who questioned more than 1,000 people after the bombings, said 31% reported substantial levels of stress.

  They also found that 32% of Londoners said they would now reduce their use of Tubes, trains and buses, and make fewer trips into the centre of the capital.

  The research, published in the online version of the British Medical Journal, was carried out less than two weeks after the deadly attacks and before the second wave of attempted bombings on July 21.

  The July 7 attacks on three Underground trains and a bus killed 52 people and injured another 700.

  The researchers, from King's College London, University College London and the Health Protection Agency, concluded that the majority of Londoners reported that they were coping well emotionally after the attacks.

  But they did find that Muslims reported disproportionately high levels of distress at 62% - double the rate of all those questioned.

  People who had previous experience of terrorism - such as IRA attacks in London - were shown to suffer less stress.

  Less than 1% of Londoners said they had sought professional help for their negative emotions after the bombings, and only 12 people felt they needed such help.

  But 46% said they did not feel safe travelling by Tube, and 33% did not feel safe in central London.

  The survey also revealed concerns about safety in general, with 55% believing their lives were in danger and 58% believing the same about their close family and friends.

连环爆炸发生后 伦敦人曾感压力重






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