宠物情侣旅馆开业(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/12 14:49 北京娱乐信报 |
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![]() Dogs go woof over Brazilian puppy love motel A love motel,complete with a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and a headboard resembling a doggy bone,has opened for amorous pooches in Brazil. ″I am absolutely certain this is the first one (for dogs)in the world.″ said Robson Marinho Sep. 3,2005,a director at the Gang dos Bichos,or Gang of Animals,a pet shop. Marinho says he has already received reservations for the room,which he built on the second floor of the store and hung a sign that reads ″Pet Love Motel″. The window has thick curtains for timid dogs that want discretion. The dog motel,which opened this month,costs 100 reais for two hours,making it more expensive than the least luxurious rooms at the Opium,which cost 107 reais for four hours. ″We also have a wedding agency that matches up dogs and if the female dog doesn't get pregnant,we offer artificial insemination services.″ said Marinho. |
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双语趣闻:宠物情侣旅馆开业(图) |
一家为发情期小狗设计的情侣旅馆在巴西开业,在该旅馆的天花板上有一块心形的镜子,以及酷似骨头的床头板。 2005年9月3日,一家宠物店的经营者,该旅馆的管理人罗伯逊·马里奥说:“我敢肯定这是世界上第一家狗旅馆。” 马里奥表示他已经收到了房间预约单,旅馆就设在宠物店的二楼,并悬挂了“宠物情侣旅馆”的牌子,窗户上还挂上了厚厚的窗帘以消除胆小狗的恐惧。 本月开的这家旅馆,租两个小时要花100雷亚尔(巴西货币),这个价格比豪华房间要昂贵很多,因为豪华房四个小时才花费107雷亚尔。 马里奥说:“我们还有婚礼代理服务,为狗搭桥。如果母狗没有怀孕的话,我们还提供人工受精服务。”(译/黄杰) |
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