美国正逐渐丧失机器人技术优势(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/15 11:27 国际在线 |
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![]() U.S. Losing Robotics Edge This Friday more than a dozen robots will get together to spend the day hopping, walking, rolling and flying. Think of it as a robot carnival. The National Science Foundation invited the automatons and their creators to an exhibition intended to showcase the best advanced robotics technology the U.S. has to offer. The exhibition in Arlington, VA was planned as a release party for findings from a two-year study evaluating robotics research and development in the United States, Japan, Korea, and Western Europe. The U.S. leads the way in areas such as robot-assisted surgery and mobile space robots, but is losing ground in other fields. The U.S. once dominated in the development of robots designed for service and industry, but now other countries are catching up and even passing the old golden standard. The study covered six categories of robotics: robotic vehicles, space robotics, humanoid robots, networked robots, robotics in biology and medicine, and industrial, service, and personal robots. For the new study, six robotics experts inspected more than 50 research facilities worldwide and wrote up the report. The work was funded by the National Science Foundation, NASA, and the National Institutes of Health. The federal Bureau of Industry and Security has already recognized the United States' slipping lead in a key area of robotics: artificial intelligence (AI). "The United States leadership position in AI is eroding as the governments and companies in Japan, and as well as in Western European, working together, have gained ground," the agency states on its web site. "In select areas of AI, Japan and Western Europe now surpass the U.S." Here's a sampling of the attendees at Friday's gathering: ·A six-legged bug bot that's one of the most speedy and mobile robots around. ·A robotic brain surgeon that can deal with an aneurysm or drill a hole in your skull. ·A soda-can sized robot that speeds around on two wheels taking video of everything it sees. ·A humanoid robot head that can learn facial gestures and look at things it finds interesting. ·A full-size replica of a Mars Exploration Rover. |
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美国正逐渐丧失机器人技术优势(图) |
一项最新的机器人技术评估结果显示,美国在机器人援助外科手术、可移动太空机器人等领域具备优势,但它却在其它领域内逐渐丧失地位。因此,美国国家科学基金会将于本周末举办一个展览,向人们显示该国最为先进的机器人技术。 据生活科学网9月12日报道,这个在美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿举办的展览原计划是一项研究结果的发布会,以介绍在美国、日本、韩国和西欧等国家和地区,一项为期两年的机器人技术研发情况的评估结果。该结果显示,美国曾经主宰了服务领域和工业领域的机器人开发,但是现在其它国家却迎头赶上,甚至还超过了美国。 这个由美国国家科学基金会、美国宇航局和国家卫生院共同资助的研究包含了下面这6种不同类型的机器人:机器人车辆、太空机器人、仿人机器人、网络机器人、生物医学机器人和工业、服务业和私人机器人。在研究过程中,机器人技术专家检查了世界范围内的50多个机器人技术研究机构,并完成了详细的研究报告。 另外,美国工业及安全联邦局也已经承认,在机器人研发的关键领域——人工智能方面,美国已经呈现逐渐下滑的趋势。该机构在其网站上说“由于日本及一些西欧国家的政府和企业通力合作,美国正在失去其在人工智能方面的领导地位”,“在某些方面,日本和西欧现在已经超过了美国”。 为此,美国国家科学基金会邀请的10多个机器人和它们的制造者将在9月16日聚集一堂,向世人展示美国最为先进的机器人技术。这些机器人将一起度过忙碌的一天,它们会施展出各自的本领,行走、旋转甚至飞行。因而,这场展览也被人们称为“机器人狂欢”。 下面是一些参加9月16日(本周五)“机器人狂欢”的成员名单: 1、一只6条腿的小虫,是速度最快的可移动机器人之一。 2、一名机器人大脑外科医生,可以处理动脉瘤等外科手术。(上图) 3、一个苏打罐大小的机器人,可以用两个轮子飞跑,并把自己看到的东西录制下来。 4、一个仿人机器人,可以学习面部表情动作,如果看到有趣的东西它还会一直盯着看。(下图) 5、一个和原型同样大小的火星探测车漫游者号的复制品。(文/王高山) |
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