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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/20 18:27  国际在线

  Prince Harry has used interviews for his 21st birthday to say he loves Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and apologise for his Nazi uniform stunt.

  The prince said Camilla was "not the wicked stepmother " and that she had made Prince Charles "very, very happy".

  He also said his choice of a Nazi uniform for a fancy dress party earlier this year "was a very stupid thing to do and I've learnt my lesson".

  The prince was expected to spend his birthday on Thursday on Army training.

  The prince said he was both a party prince and a caring one, adding: "If that's a problem with anyone, then I'm very sorry.

  "Does everyone expect me to be just the caring person and not to have a cigarette, not to have a beer?"

  The prince said: "I've grown up, everyone's got to grow up. But there's something inside me, I'm always going to have that little sort of - how do you say? - child streak."

  About wearing the Nazi desert uniform complete with swastika armband in January, the prince said: "Maybe it was a sign of my own immaturity. That was then, this is now.

  "I am becoming 21 - something like that I will never do again. It was a stupid thing to do. I think it's part of growing up."

  The interviews were conducted at the Prince of Wales' Home Farm, in Highgrove, Gloucestershire.

  Prince Harry said the Duchess of Cornwall was "a wonderful woman and she's made our father very, very happy, which is the most important thing".

  "To be honest with you, she's always been very close to me and William. But no, she's not the wicked stepmother. "

  And he described his girlfriend Chelsy Davy as "special" and "amazing", but was reluctant to further discuss his private life.

















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