澳美女为何拱手奉还泰国小姐桂冠 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/22 09:55 国际在线 |
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Australian beauty Angela MacKay has handed back her Miss Thailand crown just 10 days after winning it, saying her entirely unexpected triumph interfered with her modelling career. "I really went into the competition because I just wanted to learn how to speak Thai and I wanted to have a Thai experience," said the 21-year-old from Perth with an Australian father and a Thai mother. "I wanted to just learn about Thai culture. I honestly didn't expect to win at all. It was a very, very big surprise to me," she said before heading back to New York late on Tuesday to go back to modelling. MacKay said she had been persuaded to enter by relatives in Thailand when she came for a visit and hadn't realised that the title required her to stay in the country for the coming year. She returned the prize money of 1 million baht (13,500 pounds), a diamond crown worth 800,000 baht and a car. Thailand will send second placed Sirinda Jensen to the Miss World contest in China in December. Jensen is half Thai and half Dutch. |
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澳美女为何拱手奉还泰国小姐桂冠 |
澳大利亚美女安琪拉·麦凯在9月11日荣膺泰国小姐桂冠仅10天后就将这一称号拱手送还了组委会。她表示,不想因为这个意料之外的胜利,而影响到自己的模特生涯。 据路透社9月21日报道,安琪拉·麦凯的父母分别为澳大利亚人和泰国人。根据这位21岁女孩的说法,她是在来泰国旅游时禁不住亲属的劝说而参赛的。当时,她并不知道一旦获得泰国小姐称号,自己就必须在接下来的一年里始终待在这个国家。由于她不希望长时间留在泰国,目前她已将自己获得的13500英镑冠军奖金、一个镶满钻石的凤冠和一辆高档轿车悉数奉还给了选美大赛组委会。泰国方面因此决定将此次大赛的亚军获得者西琳达·延森作为泰国小姐参加定于12月在中国举行的世界小姐选美比赛。 麦凯说:“我参加此次选美大赛的真实目的仅仅是想学说泰语并有机会亲身体验这个国家的国情。”她现在已经从泰国返回了纽约,继续从事模特的工作。临行前麦凯表示:“我只是想对泰国文化能有一定的了解。老实说,我根本没有期望自己会赢。对我来讲,这的确是一个非常大的意外。”(作者:张咏) |
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