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麦当娜新片造势 首映式傲慢遭非议
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/22 21:34  国际在线

  Fans booed Madonna and her filmmaker husband, Guy Ritchie, at the London premiere of his new movie, "Revolver," on Tuesday after the couple walked past most of the crowd without signing autographs.

  The movie's star, Jason Statham, spent nearly an hour signing autographs in Leicester Square, but Madonna and Ritchie had only brief contact with the crowd of some 2,000 fans.

  They then posed for photographs before going into the theater.

  Madonna, 47, wore a black sequined Roberta Cavalli tuxedo dress with her arm in a matching sling. Last month, she suffered three cracked ribs, a broken collarbone and a broken hand in a horse riding accident at her country home outside London.

  The pop star said it was Ritchie's night and she enjoyed not having to work the red carpet.

  "This is fun for me. I get to dress up and show up," she said.

  Critics have been scathing of "Revolver," but Ritchie, 37, defended the movie.

  "The critics have been harsh all the way through my career but it doesn't affect me. I've accepted the rules of the game," said the director, who made the hit 1998 movie, "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch."

  Asked why he didn't give Madonna a role in "Revolver," he replied: "Do you think they would let me get away with that? I did that last time, it didn't work."

  Their collaboration, "Swept Away," bombed at the box office and was panned by critics.

麦当娜新片造势 首映式傲慢遭非议










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