新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语歌曲网友翻唱 > 英文歌翻唱:Take Me Home Country Roads

英文歌翻唱在线欣赏:乡村路 带我回家
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/28 13:17  100e科技


  Take Me Home, Country Roads


  Al-most hea-ven West Vir-gi-nia,

  Blue Rid-ge moun-tains, She-nan-doah Ri-ver.

  Life is old there, old-er than the tree,

  young-er than the moun-tains,

  blow-in' like a breeze.

  Coun-try roads take me home

  to the place I be-long.

  West Vir-gi-nia, moun-tain ma-ma,

  take me home, coun-try roads.

  All my me-mories ga-there round her,

  mo-dest la-dy, strang-er to blue wa-ter.

  Dark and du-sty paint-ed on the sky,

  mi-sky taste of moon-shine, tear-drops in my eye.

  Coun-try roads take me home

  to the place I be-long.

  West Vir-gi-nia, moun-tain ma-ma,

  take me home, coun-try roads.

  I hear her voice in the morn-ing hour-s. She calls me,

  the radio re-minds me of my home far away.

  And driv-in' down the road I get a feel-ing that I should have been home,

  yes-ter-day, yes-ter day.

  Coun-try roads take me home,

  to the place I be-long.

  West Vir-gi-nia, moun-tain ma-ma,

  take me home, coun-try roads.

  coun-try roads, take me home,

  to the place I be-long.

  West Vir-gi-nia, moun-tain ma-ma,

  take me home, coun-try roads.

  take me home, a coun-try roads.

  take me home, a coun-try roads.




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