新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语歌曲网友翻唱 > 经典英文歌曲翻唱在线欣赏:Let it Be

经典英文歌曲翻唱在线欣赏:Let it Be
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/23 20:35  100e科技




  When I find myself in times of trouble

  Mother Mary comes to me speakingwords of wisdom

  Let it be

  In my hour of darkness she's standing right in front of me

  Speaking words of wisdom

  Let it be[Repeat]

  When the broken hearted people living in the world

  Agree there will be an answer

  Let it be

  Through they maybe parted there is still chance

  they coul be seen

  There will be an answer

  Let it be[Repeat]

  When the night is cloudy

  There is still a light that shines for me

  Shining till tomorrow

  Let it be

  I awake up to the sound of music

  Mary comes to me speakingwords of wisdom

  Let it be

  Let it be

  Let it be speaking words of wisdom

  Let it be




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