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Light and Easy Make-up
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/28 22:11  《第一英语》杂志

  Add a touch of color to your face to create a fresh new you!


  Forget the heavy coats of eye shadow and foundation. Use just a little make- up and let your natural colorings come through. To start, skip powder and just dab some concealer under your eyes and over blemishes. Use blotting paper to remove shine.


  1. Lip gloss光滑的嘴唇

  Lip gloss is a must. If you want to enhance your mouth shape and to keep the gloss from bleeding, use a lip liner in the same color as your lips. Smudge the line to soften the edge. Apply your favorite shade of gloss with your finger or lip brush.


  2. Blush 化妆刷

  Use blush, but use it sparingly! Go for a bright color that brushes on sheer for a true blushing effect. Crème blush often looks the most natural. Find the apples of your cheeks by smiling at yourself, and apply the blush where your cheeks puff out in the middle (this part is called “the apple of your cheeks” and is where you blush naturally). Don’t put the blush too far out towards your cheekbones, it will look unnatural. Dab it on gently, and don’t be scared if it looks too red at first—some of the red color comes from the action of rubbing the makeup on and will soon disappear.


  3. Mascara 眉笔

  Use two kinds of mascara in three coats to get lash density. No single mascara offers both definition and thickness, and that's why there are so many mascaras on the market. Use an eyelash curler to curl lashes first—this will open the eye and groom the lashes. This is a very important step to get a beautiful result! Start with a defining mascara for two coats. Wipe the wand off before the first coat to prevent clumping. Apply coat in three strokes, starting from the inner eye, then center eye, and then the outer corner. Do a second coat with the same mascara and let set for a minute. Use a thickening mascara for the third and final coat to fill in the defined lashes and create a full lash.




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