新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语歌曲网友翻唱 > 英文歌翻唱欣赏:More than I can say

英文歌翻唱欣赏:More than I can say
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/10/14 19:49  100e科技


  More than I can say


  More than I can say

  Oh, Oh, yea, yea,

  I love you more than I can say.

  I'll love you twice as much to-mor-row. Oh, oh,

  [love you more than I can say.

  [Oh, Oh, yea, yea, I miss you ev-'ry sin-gle day.

  Why must my life be filled with sor-row?

  Oh, oh, love you more than I can say.

  [Don't you know I need you so?

  [Tell me please, I got-ta know.

  [Do you mean to make me cry?

  [Am I just an-oth-er guy?

  [Oh, oh, yea, yea,

  I miss you more than I can say.

  [Why must my life be filled with sor-row?

  Oh, love you more than I can say.

  [Don't you know I need you so? Tell me please, I got-ta know.

  [Do you mean to make me cry? Am I just an-oth-er guy?

  [Oh, oh, yea, yea,

  I love you more than I can say.

  I'll love you twice as much to-mor-row.

  Oh, love you more than I can say.

  [I love you more than I can say.

  [I love you more than I can say.




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