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英文歌翻唱欣赏:sealed with a kiss
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/30 16:18  100e科技


  Sealed with a Kiss


  Though we gon-na say good-bye for the sum-mer,

  Dar-ling, I pro-mise you this,

  I'll send you all my love, e-very-day in a let-ter,

  sealed with a kiss.

  [Guess it's gon-na be a cold, lone-ly sum-mer,

  but I'll fill the emp-ti-ness.

  I'll send you all my dreams, e-very-day in a let-ter,

  sealed with a kiss.

  [I'll see you in the sun-light,

  I'll hear you voice e-very-where.

  I'll run to ten-der-ly hold you,

  but dar-ling, you won't be there.

  [I don't wan-na say good-bye for the sum-mer,

  know-ing the love we'll miss.

  Oh, let us make a pledge to meet in Sep-tem-ber,

  and sealed it with a kiss.

  [Yes, it's gon-na be a cool, lone-ly sum-mer,

  but I'll fill the emp-ti-ness.

  I'll send you all my love,

  e-very-day in a let-ter,

  sealed with a kiss,

  sealed with a kiss,

  sealed with a kiss.




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