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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/10/20 11:26  国际在线

Rolex From Monroe to JFK Fetches $120,000

  A watch that Marilyn Monroe reportedly gave President Kennedy as a birthday gift has fetched $120,000 at an auction.

  The gold Rolex is inscribed: "Jack, With love as always from Marilyn May 29th 1962." Kennedy was born May 29, 1917.

  Bill Panagopulos, founder of the Alexander Autographs auction house, said the buyer was an East Coast collector, but he didn't release a name.

  The watchcase contains a poem, written on a small piece of paper, titled, "A Heartfelt Plea on Your Birthday."

  The poem reads: "Let lovers breathe their sighs/ And roses bloom and music sound/ Let passion burn on lips and eyes/ And pleasures merry world go round/ Let golden sunshine flood the sky/ And let me love/ Or let me die!"

  Monroe performed a sultry rendition of "Happy Birthday to You" for Kennedy on May 19, 1962, at New York's Madison Square Garden.

  The actress is believed to have given the watch to Kennedy aide Kenneth O'Donnell, who passed it on to the president, Panagopulos said. But when Kennedy saw it, he told O'Donnell to "get rid of it," according to a note that was sold with the watch, Panagopulos said.

  The watch, which was sold Saturday, had been expected to sell for between $40,000 to $60,000.

  "It's the hardest thing I ever had to estimate," Panagopulos said. "Historic relics, especially when there is a hint of scandal attached, defy any attempt by an auctioneer to estimate their selling price."



  据美联社10月18日报道,负责此次拍卖的是一家名为“Alexander Autographs”的专门经营名人签名和手稿的拍卖商。其创办人比尔-帕纳古普罗斯透露买家来自美国东海岸,但他没有说出买家的名字。在这块劳力士表的表壳内还有一首标注为“在你生日时的衷心恳求”的诗。





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