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Backstreet Boys' Start
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/10/20 15:53  《第一英语》杂志

How did Backstreet Boys Start?


  AJ, Howie, and Nick met at an audition for a TV commercial in Orlando, Florida. They discovered they all liked to sing. They wanted to start a group, but they needed more voices. Kevin moved to Florida to be a tour guide at Disney. He met the three boys soon after. Kevin suggested his cousin, Brian, for the fifth member. They named the band after Orlando's Backstreet Market, a popular hang out for the city's teens.

  The Boys:

   Brian Littrell

  Age: 30

  Started singing in church

  Loves Basketball and Golf


   Nick Carter

  Age: 25

  Starred on Broadway as a child

  Favorite food is pizza

  Has a scuba diving license and loves the beach

  Howie Dorough

  Age: 32

  Mom is from Puerto Rico and dad is from Ireland.

  Professional dancer

  Sang in the choir at school

  Kevin Richardson

  Age: 31

  Grew up on a farm

  Got his first keyboard when he was 13

  Favorite Foreign Country is Sweden

  AJ McLean

  Age: 26

  Likes to do crazy stuff for no reason.

  Writes poetry

  New Year’s resolution was to stop eating at McDonald's



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