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秘鲁现千年木乃伊 可能属印加时期(图)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/10/24 10:27  国际在线

Peru Finds Headless Mummy Predating Incas in Lima

  Archeologists have uncovered the remains of the oldest mummy ever found in Peru's capital, Lima -- a high-ranking official of the Huari tribe who lived about 1,300 years ago, researchers said on Wednesday.

  The headless mummy was found in September in Lima's Huaca Pucllana ceremonial complex after studies and exploration at the site.

  "He was decapitated and belongs to the Huari culture that invaded Lima," said archeologist Isabel Flores, director of the Huaca Pucllana museum, adding the Huaris predated the Incas, who dominated South America from Colombia to Chile until being toppled by Spanish conquerors in the 1530s.

  "Judging by the clothes he is wearing, we're talking about a senior official who was buried wrapped in cloth and tied with rope made of vegetal fiber," Flores added.

  The Huaris, a warrior society that conquered Peru's central Andes and coastal regions between 600 and 1000 A.D, were known for their high-quality textiles and pottery styles.

  They were supplanted by Ichmas, who Flores said were likely responsible for decapitating the Huari official well after he was buried in an attempt to erase all vestiges of a tribe that dominated them for years.

  "It was an act of rebellion against the Huaris. Without doubt, this gives us valuable information about ancient inhabitants of what is now Peru's capital," she added.

  The mummy, which was found surrounded by tunics and food such as corn and beans, is not well preserved because of the humidity of Peru's coast. Its dried skin and bones are badly chipped and many of its ligaments are visible.

  Peru has made some striking mummy discoveries in recent years. In February last year, two 700-year-old mummies were found in southern Peru by construction workers under a school. Thousands of Inca mummies were found at an ancient cemetery under a shantytown near Lima in 2002.

秘鲁现千年木乃伊 可能属印加时期(图)


  据路透社10月20日报道,这具无头木乃伊于9月在利马以东500公里处的地方被发现。考古学家称,这具男性无头木乃伊属于印加时期。从他身着的衣物判断,他曾拥有显赫的地位,可能是一名部落首领。这具木乃伊的身体被植物捆绑着并被包裹着布匹,同时还被玉米、豆子等覆盖。由于秘鲁气候湿润,这具木乃伊保存得不太完好,包裹木乃伊的部分布匹已经腐烂,且干枯的皮肤和发黄的骸骨已多处坏死。目前,专家正在对这具古老的木乃伊做进一步研究,不久之后它将被送到利马接受放射性碳测试,以确定它的实际年份。 另外,与木乃伊同时发现的还有其他9具遗骸,他们可能是男性木乃伊的陪葬。





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