研究显示不公正待遇损害员工身体健康 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/10/27 16:24 国际在线 |
That crummy boss in the window office could be slowly killing you, according to a study of British workers published on Monday. Researchers in Finland who did the study found that workers who felt they were being treated fairly had a much lower incidence of coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death in all Western societies. "Most people care deeply about just treatment by authorities," study author Mika Kivimaki of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health wrote in this week's Archives of Internal Medicine. "Lack of justice may be a source of oppression, deprivation and stress." People consider that they are being treated fairly at work when they believe their supervisor considers their viewpoint, shares information about decision-making and treats individuals fairly and in a truthful manner, the study said. The researchers tracked the 10-year incidence of heart disease in over 6,400 male civil servants in London who had been polled on their perceived level of justice and injustice in the workplace. "In men who perceived a high level of justice, the risk of coronary heart disease was 30 percent lower than among those who perceived a low or an intermediate level of justice," the researchers said. That finding was not accounted for by other risk factors, from age and socioeconomic status to cholesterol levels, alcohol consumption and physical activity, the authors said. Rania Sedhom, a labor and employment attorney with Meyer Suozzi English & Klein in New York who commented on the research, said a parallel study in the United States could find even more dramatic results because of the longer American work day. |
研究显示不公正待遇严重损害员工身体健康 |
芬兰职业健康学院的科学家日前发表一份针对英国劳工研究报告表明,老板对待员工糟糕的方式将直接导致员工寿命的缩短。 据10月24日英国路透社报道,研究人员迈克·克维马克表示:“大多数人们极为关注上级对待自己的态度,缺乏公正是压抑的源头,它会导致痛苦和巨大的压力。” 研究结果表明,如果员工认为他们的上级能够虚心考虑他们的观点,并且在作出最终决定之前听取他们的意见,公平合理地对待每一位员工,那么他们将感觉自己受到了公正的待遇。克维马克说:“如果一位员工认为自己受到了公平公正的待遇,那么他心脏病的发病率将比那些心存忧虑的员工低30%左右。” 但研究人员指出,此项统计数据排除了其他相关信息,如胆固醇含量、身体状况等。 在阅读了此项研究报告之后,纽约劳工律师、兰尼亚·赛尔霍姆表示,考虑到更长的工作时间,在美国市场,不公正待遇为员工健康带来的影响更加明显。(文/李远) |
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