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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/02 17:31  100e科技


  When a child is born


  原唱:Wollie Nelson

  A ray of hope flick-ers in the sky,

  a ti-ny star lights up way up high.

  All a-cross thee land,

  dawns a brand new morn.

  This comes to pass,

  when a child is born.

  [A si-lent wish sails the sev-en seas,

  the wind of change whisp-er in the trees.

  And the walls of doubt,

  crum ble tost and torn.

  This comes to pass,

  when a child is born.

  [A ro-sy hill set-tles all a-round.

  You got to feel you're on so-lid ground.

  For a spell or two no one seems for-lorn.

  This comes to pass when a child is born.

  [It's all a dream,

  an ill-u-sion now,

  it must come true some-time soon some how.

  All a-cross the land,

  dawns a brand new morn.

  This comes to pass,

  when a child is born.




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