网友翻唱英文歌欣赏:Moon river 月亮河 | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/03 18:49 100e科技 | |
翻唱:wy4436 Moon river 月亮河 歌词 原唱:安迪-威廉姆斯 Moon Riv-er, wid-er than a mile. I'm cross-ing you in style some day. Oh, dream-mak-er, you heart-break-er. Wher-ev-er you're go-ing, I'm go-ing your way. Two drift-ers off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. We're af-ter the same rain-bow's end, wait-ing round the bend. My Huck-le-ber-ry friend, Moon Riv-er and me. Moon Riv-er, wid-er than a mile. I'm cross-ing you in style some day. Oh, dream-mak-er, you heart-break-er. Wher-ev-er you're go-ing, I'm go-ing your way. Two drift-ers off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. We're af-ter that same rain-bow's end, wait-ing round the bend. My Huck-le-ber-ry friend, Moon Riv-er and me. 注:翻唱歌曲由100e科技独家提供,如果您也想试试,点击上传自己的英文歌曲 | |
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