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The Gourmet Lifestyle
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/10 21:44  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  (Written by Josh; Level: Middle)

  I’m the kind of guy that most people envy. It’s not because I’m incredibly handsome or wealthy. No. It’s simply because of my job - I get paid to travel around the globe eating the finest cuisines the world has to offer (and then write about it). Not bad, huh?

  I do consider myself very blessed – not just because of all the scrumptious food I’ve eaten or the tantalizing places to which I’ve traveled, but because of what my job has taught me about life!

  Life is a little bit like a gourmet meal.

  Firstly, it takes time to prepare a good meal, just as it takes time to prepare a happy life. You don’t just pop out of the womb and find yourself married with three kids, two mortgages and one grandson. No. You spend years being raised by your parents, studying in school, working hard, falling in love…eventually, if you’ve been patient and learned to see things as a preparation for what’s yet to come, you end up with something beautiful, something absolutely delectable!

  Secondly, if you were to eat the herbs or spices that have gone into a great meal one by one, they would taste very different to the way they do once they’ve all been blended together. In fact, many herbs are quite bitter. The experiences in our lives can be like this, too. Sometimes, if you look at one single event, say, a tragedy, life seems cruel and bitter. But if you add a few more experiences, like the comfort of friends or the faithfulness of family, then, voilà, you get something good!

  Finally, the sweetest things often come last. So don’t be in a rush to make it all happen at once. You’ll get there. Just make sure you enjoy yourself along the way. Each repast has its place on the menu; in the same way, each experience has its place in our lives. Choose to enjoy things one at a time – and pretty soon your life will be bursting at the seams with joy!








  blessed adj. 幸运的

  scrumptious adj. 美味的

  tantalize vt. 挑逗

  mortgage n. 贷款

  delectable adj. 宜人的

  blend vt. 混和

  repast n. 膳食

  burst v. 充满



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