新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《天下一家》歌曲创作背景

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/05 15:07  国际在线

We're The World 专辑封面

  1985, for the charitable organization 'USA For Africa'. Michael Jackson, along with Lionel Richie, composed the song 'We Are The World'. Numerous artists took part and sung this song. The song eventually gained millions of dollars used to fight famine in Africa, and have won numerous awards, including 4 Grammys.

  1985年,Michael Jackson完成了一件国际性慈善创举,为救援非洲饥民,Michael Jackson作为发起人呼吁美国歌手一起录制了歌曲We Are The World。当然这成为全球大热的单曲,为非洲儿童酬得四千万美元。80年代中期,是Michael Jackson的黃金时期,他的名气召集了45位美国人气歌星如Lindsey Buckingham,Kim Carnes,Ray Charles,Bob Dylan,Daryl Hall,Billy Joel,Willie Nelson,Jeffery Osborne,Steve Perry,The Pointer Sisters,Lionel Richie,Smokey Robinson,Kenny Rogers,Diana Ross,Paul Simon,Tina Turner,Stevie Wonder,Quincy Jones等参加。

  这首We're the World 《天下一家》是Michael与Lionel Richie合作仅用了两小时的时间就完成了的作品。这首单曲在四天内就卖出了五十万张,电台播放率超过90%,震撼了亿万人的心,风靡全球。1986年We are the World获得了葛莱美“年度最佳歌曲奖”。

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