好莱坞当红小生达蒙将酒吧女秘密娶进门 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/13 20:35 国际在线 |
Matt Damon married girlfriend Luciana Bozan in a private ceremony Friday in New York City, his publicist said. Damon, 35, and his bride exchanged wedding vows during a small ceremony at an undisclosed location, spokeswoman Jennifer Allen said. Bozan's 7-year-old daughter witnessed the ceremony. In a previous marriage Bozan went by the name Luciana Barroso. The wedding took place in New York's City Hall, according to Ed Skyler, a spokesman for Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Skyler and Damon's publicist provided no further details. Asked if Damon's friend and "Good Will Hunting" co-star Ben Affleck witnessed the wedding, Allen said no. It was the first marriage for Damon, the second for Bozan. They will split their time between homes in New York and Florida. Damon's publicist wouldn't discuss an "Access Hollywood" report that Damon's bride is pregnant. Damon and Affleck won a best screenwriting Oscar for 1997's "Good Will Hunting." Damon's screen credits also include roles in "Saving Private Ryan," "The Talented Mr. Ripley," "Ocean's Eleven" and "Syriana." He met Bozan while she was working as a bartender in Florida, Allen said. Damon is in New York shooting the Robert De Niro-directed film "The Good Shepherd" with Angelina Jolie. |
好莱坞当红小生达蒙将酒吧女秘密娶进门 |
好莱坞当红小生马特-达蒙的公关人员透露,达蒙与未婚妻卢恰娜于12月9日在纽约秘密举行了婚礼。 据路透社12月10日报道,现年35岁的达蒙在纽约举行了一场秘密的小型婚礼。新娘卢恰娜-博赞与前夫7岁的女儿见证了婚礼。纽约市市长布隆伯格的发言人斯基勒透露说,达蒙的婚礼在纽约市政厅举行,但斯基勒和达蒙的公关人员拒绝就婚礼一事透露更多细节。 这是达蒙第一次步入婚姻殿堂,但已是新娘卢恰娜的第2次婚姻。卢恰娜曾经是迈阿密一家夜总会的酒吧女郎,也曾结过婚,还和前夫有一个女儿。今年9月,达蒙与卢恰娜订婚。 当被问及达蒙在《心灵捕手》中的搭档兼好友本-阿弗莱克是否是婚礼的见证人时,达蒙的公关人员艾伦表示说不是。同时,艾伦也没有就美国NBC电视台著名娱乐节目《走进好莱坞》中有关卢恰娜身怀六甲的报道做任何评论。不久前,《走进好莱坞》曾曝料说,达蒙看到好友阿弗莱克已经当上了老爸,所以也开始着急了,他的未婚妻已经怀孕3个月,达蒙也将象阿弗莱克一样拥有自己的第1个孩子。 1997年,达蒙和阿弗莱克凭借《心灵捕手》一片荣获奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖。此后,这一对好友也因为关系太密切而一度被传是同性恋。在阿弗莱克和前女友詹妮弗·洛佩兹谈恋爱期间,每次二人有矛盾出现都是达蒙出面调解,后来洛佩兹与阿弗莱克分手后还特意感谢戴蒙。 从名不见经传的小角色到好莱坞金童之一,达蒙只用了几年的时间。1997年,他因与阿弗莱克凭借《心灵捕手》一片荣获奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖后一夜成名。此后,他所参与过的著名影片数不胜数,所饰演的角色也类型各异,其中包括《碟影重重》、《天才瑞普利》、《拯救大兵瑞恩》、《11罗汉》……确立了他在好莱坞的当红小生地位。 目前,达蒙正在纽约与安吉丽娜-茱莉拍摄《好牧人》。(文/蒋黎黎) |
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