新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 明天我们什么时间见面?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/14 20:33  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  What time shall we meet tomorrow?


  A Ping, what time shall we meet tomorrow?

  A 平,明天我们什么时间见面?

  B I’m not sure. In the morning? What time is best for you?

  B 我不确定。上午好吗?什么时间对你最合适?

  A Anytime between 10 and 12.

  A 10点到12点之间的任何时候都行。

  B How about 11 o’clock then?

  B 那么11点怎么样?

  A That sounds fine to me.

  A 对我来说合适。

  B Ok. See you at eleven.

  B 好。那就11点见。

  A Ok, bye. See you then.

  A 好,再见。到时候见。


  1 To ask someone about the time of a meeting in the future, e.g. tomorrow, you can say: What time shall we meet tomorrow? / What time shall we meet tomorrow? (You can also use will / will instead of shall / shall).

  要问和某人见面的时间,比如明天,你可以说:What time shall we meet tomorrow? /我们明天什么时候见面?(你也可以用will /将要来代替shall / 将要)。

  2 If you want to ask someone what is the best time for them, you can simply say: What time is best for you? / What time is best for you?

  如果你想问什么时间对某人最合适,你可以简单地问:What time is best for you? /什么时间对你最合适?

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  What time shall we meet tomorrow? 明天我们什么时间见面?

  In the morning? 上午好吗?

  What time is best for you? 什么时间对你最合适?

  Anytime between 10 and 12. 10点到12点之间的任何时候都行。

  How about 11 o’clock then? 那么11点怎么样?

  That sounds fine to me. 对我来说合适。

  Ok.See you at eleven. 好。11点见。



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