新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你想喝杯咖啡吗?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/28 20:55  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Would you like a coffee?



  A Yan, would you like a coffee?

  A 燕,你想喝杯咖啡吗?

  B Could I have a tea, please? I prefer tea.

  B 我能喝茶吗?我更喜欢茶。

  A Yes, sure. What kind of tea?

  A 当然可以, 你要什么茶?

  B Jasmine tea, thanks.

  B 茉莉花茶,谢谢。.


  A One coffee, please. Filter coffee. And Jasmine tea also. Thanks.

  A 请来一杯咖啡。过滤咖啡。还有茉莉花茶,谢谢。

  B Anything else, sir?

  B 还要什么,先生?

  A No, that’s all. Thanks.

  A 不, 就这些。谢谢。


  1 To ask someone if they would like something, simply say: Would you like . . .? / Would you like . . . ? e.g.: Would you like a coffee? / Would you like a coffee? ; Would you like to go shopping? / Would you like to go shopping? ; Would you like to go to the restaurant? / Would you like to go to the restaurant?

  要问某人是否愿意做某事,可以简单地说:Would you like . . .? / 你愿意 . . .吗 ? 例如: Would you like a coffee? / 你想喝杯咖啡吗? ; Would you like to go shopping? / 你想去购物吗? ; Would you like to go to the restaurant? / 你想去餐馆吗?

  2 If you like something more than something else, you can use prefer / prefer: e.g., I prefer tea / I prefer tea; I like beer, but I prefer orange juice. / I like beer, but I prefer orange juice.

  如果你在两者之间更喜欢其一,你可以用prefer / 更喜欢: 例如, I prefer tea / I 我更喜欢茶; I like beer, but I prefer orange juice. / 我喜欢啤酒,但我更喜欢橘子汁。

  3 Remember again – What kind of . . .? / What kind of . . . ? e.g.: What kind of tea? / What kind of tea?

  请记住– What kind of . . .? / 什么种类的 . . . ? 例如: What kind of tea? / 哪种茶?

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  Would you like a coffee? 你想喝杯咖啡吗?

  Could I have a tea, please? 我能喝茶吗?

  I prefer tea. 我更喜欢喝茶。

  Yes, sure.What kind of tea? 是的,当然。哪种茶?

  Jasmine tea. 茉莉花茶。

  One coffee, please. Filter coffee.And Jasmine tea also. 请来一杯咖啡。过滤咖啡。还有茉莉花茶。

  Anything else, sir? 还要什么,先生?

  No, that’s all. 没有了, 就这些。



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