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My Trip to London
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/28 20:58  《第一英语》杂志

My Trip to London

  By Wang Zhe (Philip)

  This fall, EF gave three students a trip of a lifetime! Philip, David, and James from Jinan went to Brighton, England for two weeks of traveling, studying, and fun! The boys were the grand prize winners of the 2005 EF English First Taxi Competition.

  今秋,EF送给中国三个朋友旅游! Philip, David, 和 James 去英国布菜顿动两个星期学习,旅游,玩一玩. 男孩是EF全球抽奖活动的胜利者.

  Listening to my mp3s, I noticed our plane had already landed at London Heathrow Airport. Stepping onto the earth of the Great Britain, breathing the cool and fresh air, I felt comfortable even after a 13-hour-long flight. As soon as we left the airport, we were on our way to Eltham College, where we would have our course. I watched the night scenes outside the window. Shortly after arriving at our destination, my friend James and I met our host family for the first time. I was really exhausted, so I followed them straight home for a big sleep.


  Soon I fell into our daily routine. From Monday to Friday, we spent our mornings having lessons at Eltham College with Freddie and Ali, our teachers during the course. With their humor and excellent teaching, their lessons were filled with both knowledge and fun. I enjoyed their lessons so much that I’d be sure to give them 100% in any evaluation.


  The activities in the afternoons and weekends were as wonderful as the morning lessons. I was most excited to see Big Ben and the Parliament House with my own eyes because they’d always been the symbols of London in my mind. Besides them, there was a cruise on the Thames River, a visit to the Tower of London as well as a walk through Piccadilly Circus. What I enjoyed more than anything else was Thorpe Park because of several exciting rides, like the roller coasters, which made my heart beat so fast. What we saw on London Eye was also really worth seeing. This was the only place where people could look over the whole city.


  One weekend, we took a trip to Brighton. That was an absolutely fun day, too. We sat on the beach, watching waves coming over and over again, enjoying pure fish and chips as well! And I have to admit that I would have really regretted it if I hadn’t visit Madame Tussaud’s. There were a great many waxworks of actors, singers, and politicians etc. They were all so lifelike that I just couldn’t believe they were made out of wax!


  Twenty-one days later, I left London. I loved it there. As our plane take off, I told myself that I would absolutely return someday.




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