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Life at Harvard
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/12/13 20:27  《第一英语》杂志

Life at Harvard

  Harvard University is the most famous university (1) in the world.

  Harvard was founded in 1636 and is the oldest university in the United States. When it opened, there were only nine students. Now, there are more than 18,000 students at Harvard College (2) and Harvard’s ten graduate schools (3), including Harvard’s world-famous law, business, and medical schools (4).

  Harvard students come from all over the United States and the world. This year, Harvard undergraduates (5) came from all 50 states and 47 different countries.

  In 1879, Harvard opened a college for women. It was called Radcliffe College. Radcliffe joined Harvard in the 1970s and today, Harvard’s student population is 50% men, 50% women.

  Harvard is in a small city next to Boston called Cambridge. The college is in Cambridge’s Harvard Square. There are many shops, bookstores, and restaurants. Tourists go to Harvard Square to see the famous campus (6), shop, and buy Harvard T-shirts.

  Most Harvard students are not rich, but it is very expensive to study there. One year of college (plus room and board (7)) costs RMB337,313 (USD41,675). No wonder two-thirds of students need financial aid (8)!

  Word Key

  1.university noun(综合)大学

  2.college noun (American English) 学院

  3.graduate school noun研究所

  4.medical school noun 医学院

  5.undergraduate noun(尚未取得学位的)大学生

  6.campus noun 校园

  7.room and board noun食宿

  8.financial aid noun 财政援助



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