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Let’s go on Friday
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/11 21:01  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Let’s go on Friday.



  A Hi, Neil. Good morning!

  A 嗨,尼尔。早上好!

  B Good morning, Ping. How are you?

  B 早上好,平。你好吗?

  A Fine. When do you want to visit the Great wall?

  A 我很好。你想什么时候去游览长城?

  B Later this week. Maybe on Friday. Is that ok for you?

  B 这周的晚些时候。也许在周五。时间对你合适吗?

  A Yes. That sounds good. Let’s go on Friday.

  A 行,周五可以。咱们就周五去。

  B Great. I’m looking forward to it.

  B 好极了!我期待着那一天。

  A I can pick you up at the hotel at 9 in the morning.

  A 我上午9点可以到饭店去接你。

  Notes 注释

  1 To talk about a time in the future which is not exact, you can use later / later: Later this week / Later this week; I’ll see you later / I’ll see you later.

  要谈论将来不确定的某个时间,你可以用later / 晚些时候: Later this week /这周的晚些时候; I’ll see you later / 待会见。

  2 To suggest an arrangement, you can say: Let’s go on Friday / Let’s go on Frday: Let’s meet at the hotel / Let’s meet at the hotel; Let’s go to the restaurant / Let’s go to the restaurant.

  建议安排做某事,你可以说:Let’s go on Friday / 咱们周五去: Let’s meet at the hotel / 咱们在饭店见面; Let’s go to the restaurant /咱们去餐馆吧!

  3 To meet someone and collect them, you can use pick up / pick up: I can pick you up at the hotel at 9 / I can pick you up at the hotel at 9.

  要去见并且接某人,你可以用pick up / 接: I can pick you up at the hotel at 9 / 我可以9点到饭店去接你。

Key phrases and sentences



When do you want to visit the Great Wall?

Later this week.

Maybe on Friday.

Friday is good.

Let’s go on Friday.

I can pick you up at the hotel at 9 in the morning.













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