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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/06 18:02  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  When’s the best month to visit Beijing?



  A When’s the best month to visit Beijing?

  A 去北京旅游最好的月份是哪个月?

  B There are a lot of good times to visit. But I think September is the best.

  B 很多时候不错。但是我想9月是最好的。

  A How about during the summer?

  A 夏天怎么样?

  B Yes, it’s nice then too. But it can be quite hot. Springtime is really good.

  April and May are good months.

  B 是的,夏天也不错。但是夏天太热了。春天好。4月和5月是很好的月份。

  A How about during the winter?

  A 冬天呢?

  B Well, Beijing can be really cold in winter. All in all, I personally still think September is the best.

  B 哦,北京的冬天会很冷。总而言之,我个人认为9月最好。

  Notes 注释

  1 To ask what is the best time to do anything, say: When’s the best time to . . . / When’s the best time to . . . or What’s the best time to . . . / What’s the best time to . . . e.g. When’s the best month to visit Beijing? / When’s the best month to visit Beijing; What’s the best time to meet you tomorrow? / What’s the best time to meet you tomorrow?

  要问做某事的最佳时间,说:When’s the best time to . . . / 做 . . .的最佳时间是? 或者What’s the best time to . . . /什么时间是做. . .的最佳时间?例如When’s the best month to visit Beijing? / 什么时间到北京旅游最好?; What’s the best time to meet you tomorrow? /明天什么时间和你见面最合适?

  2 A good way of summarising something, when everything has been considered, is by saying All in all . . . / All in all . . .

  当考虑了所有的事情后,最好的总结方式是说:All in all . . . /总而言之. . .

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  When’s the best month to visit Beijing? 去北京旅游最好的月份是哪个月?

  There are lots of good times to visit. 很多时候不错。

  But I think September is the best. 但是我想9月是最好的。

  How about the summer? 夏天怎么样?

  Yes, it’s nice then too. 是的,夏天也不错。但是夏天太热了。

  But it can be quite hot.April and May are good months. 春天好。 4月和5月是很好的月份。

  Beijing can be really cold in winter. 北京的冬天会很冷。

  All in all.I personally think September is best. 总而言之,我个人认为9月最好。



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