新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你愿意和我们一起去吗

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/12 19:33  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Would you like to come with us?



  A Sue, would you like to come to the Thai restaurant with us?

  A 苏,你愿意和我们一起去泰国餐馆吗?

  B Yes, I’d love to. When are you going?

  B 是的,我愿意。你们什么时候去?

  A We’re thinking about Wednesday evening. Are you free then?

  A 我们正在考虑周三晚上去。你到时有空吗?

  B Wednesday evening sounds good to me. I’m free.

  B 周三晚上对我合适。我有空。

  A Good. Shall we meet about 6?

  A 好。咱们6点见面好吗?

  B Yes, that’s perfect.

  B 好的,没问题。

  A Right. I’ll meet you at the hotel at 6.

  A 好。我6点到饭店和你碰面。

  Notes 注释

  1 To make a suggestion, you can also use: Would you like to . . . ? / Would you like to . . . ? e.g.: Would you like to come to the restaurant with us? / Would you like to come to the restaurant with us?; Would you like to go home? / Would you like to go home?

  要提出建议,你可以用Would you like to . . . ? / 你想 . . . 吗? 例如: Would you like to come to the restaurant with us? /你想跟我们一起去餐馆吗?; Would you like to go home? /你想回家吗?

  2 To ask if someone has the time to do something, you can say: Are you free? / Are you free?; Are you free this weekend? / Are you free this weekend?

  要问某人是否有时间做某事,你可以说:Are you free? / 你有时间吗?; Are you free this weekend? / 你这个周末有时间吗?

  3 To suggest a time – or a place, you can say: Shall we meet about 6? / Shall we meet about 6?; Shall we meet at the restaurant? / Shall we meet at the restaurant?

  要建议某个时间或某个地点,你可以说:Shall we meet about 6? /我们大约6点见面好吗?; Shall we meet at the restaurant? /我们在餐馆见面好吗?

Key phrases and sentences



Would you like to come to the Thai restaurant with us?

When are you going?

We are thinking about Wednesday evening.

Are you free?

Wednesday evening sounds good to me.

I’m free.

Shall we meet about 6?

That’s perfect.

I’ll meet you at the hotel at 6.
















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