“艺伎”生涯--访章子怡、杨紫琼(音频) | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/02/08 18:02 《视听英语》杂志 | ||
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本页上播放的所有视听内容未经新浪许可,不得转载。 继《卧虎藏龙》之后,杨紫琼、章子怡再度联手,主演好莱坞大片《艺伎回忆录》。这两位与众不同的华人女星依靠自己的独特魅力和过人才华征服了最苛刻的好莱坞。 Visually stunning and emotionally intense, “Memoirs of a Geisha” takes place in pre-World War II Japan and tells the story of Sayuri, played by Ziyi Zhang, who is sold as a child to a geisha house. Then with the help of the most prominent geisha, played by Michelle Yeoh, Sayuri is transformed and discovers the secrets and the pain of geisha life. 影片《艺伎回忆录》画面震撼人心、情节动人。该片讲述了二战前的日本艺伎小百合(章子怡饰演)的故事,她自小被卖到艺伎馆,后来在一名顶级艺伎(杨紫琼饰演)的帮助下完成了成长的蜕变,向人们揭示了艺伎的秘密和生活辛酸。 The word geisha, part of it means art. In addition to the dancing, the singing, (and) the music, there is a side that people believe is about sex. “艺伎”这个词本身含有艺术之意,但在人们眼中,除了歌舞音韵,难免还会想到“性”。 Michelle Yeoh: The geisha world is a very mysterious world. They do not choose to become geishas. They are chosen. And yes, there is the sex involved. That is the only time when the geisha can say “yes” or “no”. 杨紫琼: 艺伎的世界神秘莫测。她们并不是自愿选择当艺伎的,而是命运选择了她们。当然了,其中包含着“性”的内容。也仅仅在这个时候,艺伎才有选择的权利。 You two went to geisha boot camp? How hard was it to learn to be geisha? 你们两个都参加了艺伎训练,是吧?成为一名艺伎有多难呢? Michelle Yeoh: Tell them about your dancing. 杨紫琼:(对章子怡)说说你学习舞蹈的一些情况吧。 I am thinking about those very tall shoes. I have to say when that scene started I got nervous for you. 我想到了那些高底鞋。说实在的,当我看到那些镜头时,就不由得为你担心。 Michelle Yeoh: We all did. 杨紫琼:我们都为她捏了一把汗。 Was it hard? 那样跳舞难吗? Ziyi Zhang: Yeah. I remembered the first time when I saw them, you know, they told me that I have to dance in them, I just, I don't think it's possible. 章子怡:难。我还记得第一次看到那种鞋的时候,他们告诉我必须要穿着它们去跳舞,我觉得那简直不可思议。 Did you fall? 摔倒过么? Ziyi Zhang: Yes, many times. 章子怡:是的,好多次呢。 In fact the two actresses only had six weeks to learn what geishas spend a lifetime perfecting. 事实上,艺伎们一生都在不断完善技艺,而两位女演员只用了六个星期的时间来学习这一切。 Michelle Yeoh: We have what we affectionately call “the seven rooms of torture”. There was a room where you learned how to pour tea and sake. Then there was a room where we learned how to walk, how to kneel, (and) how to bow. The walking process we would put a slip of paper between our knees. And then when you graduate, you must glide8 across the room with a slip of paper and a bottle of sake. 杨紫琼:我们亲切地把训练的七间屋子称为“魔鬼训练营”。一个房间是用来学习怎样斟茶倒酒的。另一间里则用来练习如何走路、下跪和鞠躬。学习走路的时候,我们要在两膝之间夹着一张纸。只有做到夹着纸端着一瓶酒,轻巧地穿过房间,才算合格。 Could you do it? 你们做到了吗? Michelle Yeoh: Of course. 杨紫琼:当然。 It is a very painful story. Was it as hard to act in as it is to watch? 这是一个凄美的故事。观赏影片时,感觉表演的难度很大,拍摄时是否真是如此? Michelle Yeoh: I think for each of us, there were different levels of pain. They dedicate9 their lives to the perfection of music, and dance. Because they are working pieces of art, and you do not love, you do not marry, and you do not have children. 杨紫琼:我认为每个人遭受的痛苦不尽相同。艺伎们费尽一生心血来追求歌舞的完美境界,因为她们是“活”艺术品,不能拥有爱情,不能结婚,也不能生育后代。 DO YOU KNOW 日本艺伎最早出现于日本元禄年间(1688年-1704年),至今已有300多年的历史。虽现已逐渐衰落,但仍作为日本京都的一种艺术象征而存在。 艺伎是表演艺术,雅而不俗,并不卖弄色情,更不卖身。艺伎身着的和服与普通和服的最大不同在于:普通和服后领很高,把脖颈遮得严严实实,艺伎的和服脖领却开得很大,并且有意地向后倾斜,脖颈全部外露。艺伎学艺,一般从10岁开始,要在5年时间内完成从文化、礼仪、语言、装饰、诗书、琴瑟,直到鞠躬、斟酒等课程,非常艰苦。 | ||
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