新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你想和我们一起去吗?

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/02/08 18:33  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Would you like to go with us?



  A We are going to the Ming Tombs at the weekend. Would you like to go with us?

  A 我们周末去明十三陵,你想和我们一起去吗?

  B Sure, thanks. How long will it take?

  B 好的,谢谢。到那里要多长时间?

  A Well, we have to drive from Beijing. I suppose it will take three or four hours for the whole trip.

  A 哦,我们得从北京开车去。我想整个路程大概需要三、四个小时。

  B That sounds fine. Which day at the weekend are you going?

  B 听起来可以。周末的哪天去?

  A Sunday. Is that ok for you?

  A 周日去。时间对你合适吗?

  B Yes, that’s fine.

  B 是的,合适。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you want to ask how much time something will take, you can say: How long will it take? / How long will it take?

  如果你想问做某事需要多长时间,你可以说:How long will it take? / 需要多长时间?

  2 To answer, you can say: It will take . . . / It will take . . . e.g.: It will take three to four hours / It will take three to four hours.

  可以这样回答:It will take . . . / 需要 . . .例如:It will take three to four hours / 需要三到四个小时。

  3 To ask specifically, you can use Which . . . ? / Which . . . ? e.g.: Which day at the weekend are you going? / Which day at the weekend are you going?

  要问具体是什么,你可以用Which . . . ? / 哪个/哪些 . . . ?例如:Which day at the weekend are you going? /周末你哪天走?

Key phrases and sentences


We are going to the Ming Tombs at the weekend.

Would you like to go with us?

How long will it take?

We have to drive from Beijing.

I suppose it will take three to four hours for the whole trip.

Which day at the weekend are you going? 














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